1. Line Processor
1. Use grep to search for interesting strings
a. ''grep cat animals.txt'' - returns ALL lines containing lowercase ''cat
b. ''grep -i cat animals.txt'' - returns ALL lines containing either case of ''cat
c. ''grep 20 animals.txt''
d. ''grep "^20" animals.txt'' - returns line that are anchored with the string: ''20''
e. ''grep "20contentquot; animals.txt'' - returns lines that end with the string: ''20''
f. ''grep "^20contentquot; animals.txt'' - returns lines beginning and ending with the string: ''20''
g. ''grep "^c.*" animals.txt'' - returns lines beginning with ''c''
h. ''grep "^[c|d]" animals.txt'' - returns lines beginning with ''c'' OR ''d''
i. ''grep -v "kernel" /var/log/message'' - returns lines htat do NOT contain ''kernel''
j. ''grep -C 2 ''dog'' animals.txt'' - returns 2 lines above and below matched line
j1. ''grep -C 2 ''lstrich'' animals.txt > animals.reduced.list.txt
###Linux Redirection & Pipes###
1. Ability to control input and output
Input redirection ''<'':
1. ''cat < 123.txt''
Note: Use input redirection when program does NOT default to file as input
Output redirection ''>'':
1. ''cat 123.txt > onetwothree.txt''
Note: Default nature is to:
1. Clobber the target file
2. Populate with information from input stream
Append redirection ''>>":
1. ''cat 123.txt >> numbers.txt'' - creates ''numbers.txt'' if it doesn''t exist, or appends if it does
2. ''cat 456.txt >> numbers.txt''
Pipes ''|'':
Features: Connects the output stream of one command to the input stream of a subsequent command
1. ''cat 123.txt | sort
2. ''cat 234.txt 123.txt | sort
3. ''cat 456.txt 123.txt | sort | grep 3