这是第8/101个脚本 The CodeThere are as many ways to solve this quirky echo problem as there are pages in this book. One of my favorites is very succinct: function echon { echo "$*" | awk ''{ printf "%s" $0 }'' } You may prefer to avoid the overhead incurred when calling the awk command, however, and if you have a user-level command called printf you can use it instead: echon() { printf "%s" "$*" } But what if you don''t have printf and you don''t want to call awk? Then use the tr command: echon() { echo "$*" | tr -d ''n'' } This method of simply chopping out the carriage return with tr is a simple and efficient solution that should be quite portable. 这个脚本很简单,就是可以用3种不同的函数(方法)来实现,输出后不换行. 本文出自 “你就当我是浮夸吧” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://2804976.blog.51cto.com/2794976/593422 |
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