linux中的ctime atime mtime
作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-04-04
Linux系统中文件的时间有3类,分别是ctime(chage time ) atime(access time ) mtime(modified time),默认情况下ls显示出来的是mtime.这3个的区别今天做个总结,忘性太大~_~. st_atime Time when file data was last accessed. Changed by the following functions: creat(), mknod(), pipe(), utime(2), and read(2). st_mtime Time when data was last modified. Changed by the fol- lowing functions: creat(), mknod(), pipe(), utime(), and write(2). st_ctime Time when file status was last changed. Changed by the following functions: chmod(), chown(), creat(), link(2), mknod(), pipe(), unlink(2), utime(), and write() atime ---当文件被读取或执行的时候时间会改变 ctime ---当文件的权限、名称或i-node改变的时候时间会改变 mtime ---当文件内容改变的时候时间会改变,这个时候ctime 和atime也会改变 查看方法--time=atime | ctime --full-time 本文出自 “Usher成长的脚印” 博客,请务必保留此出处 |
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