
升级内核2.6.16到 2.6.37

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-04-06


1、升级gcc到> 4.0 升级到了4.5.1,需要gmp mpfr mpc的支持

2、编译内核,然后install,启动后 ext3 mount失败,重新配置编译内核,将ext3 build-in

3、升级后发现ssh 连不上 Server

查看secure 日志发现,refused to allocate pty,然后翻了下代码


Extracted from debian-devel
Tip provided by Alexander Stavitsky> =Topic on #debian: if telnetd/sshd/etc after glibc2.1 upgrade don''t > = work, restart them || glibc2.1 casualties list: apt 0.1.10, prcs, > = libtricks, libgc4 > > sshd still don''t work..but that''s ok...ssltelnet does. so I''m good. Glibc 2.1 has the support for new pty system. I had the same problem. >From Chages file in 2.2.x kernel: Optional support for Unix98 pty devices has also been added. If you want to use the Unix98 ptys, you should be running at least glibc-2.0.9x, and you must switch completely to Unix98 pty''s. The general procedure for configuring Unix98 pty support is: - Compile your kernel with CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS and CONFIG_DEVPTS_FS. - mknod /dev/ptmx c 5 2 chmod 666 /dev/ptmx mkdir /dev/pts - Add to /etc/fstab: none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0 (Note: gid=5 is applicable for RedHat systems for which group "tty" has gid 5. Adjust according to your distribution. Use mode=600 if you want "mesg n" to be default.) - Mount /dev/pts I did this and sshd is wo***ng again.


发现重启后又不行了,openssh的版本为3.9p1,翻了下代码,原来sshd分配pty的时候,打开的设备是/dev/ptmx,但是在新内核中,此设备跑到了/dev/pts/ptmx,打开失败,建立符号链接 ln -s /dev/pts/ptmx /dev/ptmx后问题解决,接下来看下最新版本的openssh是如何处理的

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