几乎所有Linux 系统管理的书上都推荐设置交换分区大小为内存的2倍.这些建议到了现在就是那么适用了,现在的服务器动不动就是 16GB/32GB 内存,难道相应的交换分区也要扩大到 32GB/64GB?根据 OpenBSD 的安装建议: Many people follow an old rule of thumb that your swap partition should be twice the size of your main system RAM. This rule is nonsense. On a modern system, that’s a LOT of swap, most people prefer that their systems never swap. You don’t want your system to ever run out of RAM swap, but you usually would rather have enough RAM in the system so it doesn’t need to swap. If you are using a flash device for disk, you probably want no swap partition at all. Use what is appropriate for your needs. 再看看 RHEL 5 推荐的 swap 分区大小: Swap should equal 2x physical RAM for up to 2 GB of physical RAM, and then an additional 1x physical RAM for any amount above 2 GB, but never less than 32 MB. For systems with really large amounts of RAM (more than 32 GB) you can likely get away with a smaller swap partition (around 1x, or less, of physical RAM). 上面说的是一般情况,在安装系统的时候很难决定多大的交换空间,往往需要根据服务器实际负载、运行情况、以及未来可能应用来综合考虑 swap 分区的大小, 4GB 或 4GB 以下内存的系统,最小需要 2GB 交换空间; 本文出自 “相濡以沫” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://onlyzq.blog.51cto.com/1228/516910 |
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