

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-04-25
以前写的玩的,Ubuntu下用的.不想改了~ 在FreeBSD 下要改下~可以拿来做实验~当然这个有很大问题的.最好加参数好让它停下来#!/bin/bash##Do auto reboot after Log on and show the reboot time#Usage: Add /etc/rc.local bash autoreboot.sh #Ver:0.1 2007/11/05 by ****#***************************************************************************** if [ ! -x "/home/count.txt" ];thenecho "0" > /home/count.txtchmod x /home/count.txtfi n=`cat /home/count.txt | awk ''{print substr($1,1)}''` let "n " echo "$n" > /home/count.txt echo "Times=$n ,Start to do reboot at `date`" >> /home/reboot_log.txt echo "It will reboot in 2 minutes!You can command shutdown -c by root to stop it!!" >> /home/reboot_log.txt# gedit /home/reboot_log.txt shutdown -r -time 2 "It will reboot in 2 minutes!You can command shutdown -c by root to stop it!"
顺便 在/usr/local/etc/rc.d 中一个普通的启动脚本是这样的#!/bin/shecho -n '' FooBar''case "$1" instart)/usr/local/bin/foobar;;stop)kill -9 ''cat /var/run/foobar.pid'';;*)echo "Usage: ''basename $0'' {start|stop}" >&2exit 64;;esacexit 0

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