Apache internal dummy connection 解决
作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-04-26
Apache 日志出现大量的::1 - - [27/Dec/2009:16:36:44 0800] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "Apache (internal dummy connection)" 日志..其实对系统无影响. 这些日志是apache2.2版本后,对自身进程的监听所产生的日志~~ 具体说明下: When the Apache HTTP Server manages its child processes, it needs a way to wake up processes that are listening for new connections. To do this, it sends a simple HTTP request back to itself. This request will appear in the access_log file with the remote address set to the loop-back interface (typically or ::1 if IPv6 is configured). If you log the User-Agent string (as in the combined log format), you will see the server signature followed by "(internal dummy connection)" on non-SSL servers. During certain periods you may see up to one such request for each httpd child process. 你可以过滤掉这些日志 在WIKI已经有解决方法: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/InternalDummyConnection 具体是设置: SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "" loopback这里引号里会出现2种情况.随便改~~ 还有一种解决方案:就是在httpd.conf 新建一个虚拟主机. ![]() ![]() 你再不保存access日志就OK了 |
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