linux wma2mp3 脚本
作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-05-02
最近遇个问题,这mocp放不了wma,平时多用这个放,遇到个wma类型的文件,![]() 使用这个脚本就解决了,向这位兄弟致意了 #!/bin/bash ############################################################# # wma2mp3 v0.12 # by Calum and Void Main # # e.g. wma2mp3 myfile.wma # e.g. wma2mp3 myfile.wma myfile2.wma myfile3.wma # e.g. wma2mp3 "my file.wma" "my file 2.wma" "my file 3.wma" # e.g. wma2mp3 *.wma # e.g. wma2mp3 /directory/containing/wma/files # e.g. wma2mp3 . # # # # History: # 16 May 2003 - v0.1 wma2mp3 script created # 27 August 2005 - v0.11 -aofile had been deprecated, corrected # 28 August 2005 - v0.12 Added "IFS=" -Void ############################################################# # Turn off input field separation so filenames with spaces work IFS= ############################################################# # Move the conversion process into a function that can # be called. # The "&&" makes it so each step must be successful before # the next step will be done. ############################################################# function wma2mp3 () { if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then echo "File $1 not found!" else mplayer -ao pcm:file="${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" "$1" && lame -h -b 192 "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.mp3" && rm -f "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" || echo "There was a problem with the conversion process!"
fi } ############################################################# # Not enough information to compute ############################################################# if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Syntax: `basename $0` <wmaFilename(s)|wmaDirectory>" exit fi ############################################################# # Directory was passed so convert all wma files in directory ############################################################# if [ $# -eq 1 -a -d "$1" ]; then for file in $1/*.[Ww][Mm][Aa] do wma2mp3 "$file" done exit fi ############################################################# # One or more wma files were passed, convert them ############################################################# for file in $* do wma2mp3 "$file" done exit
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