作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-05-11
今天收到了这期的Linux Gazette,才知道原来Linux吉祥物还有一个名字叫Tux(英文直接翻译过来是男士无尾半正式晚礼服,倒是和这个小企鹅的打扮很配).它是一位男式,据说是迷倒一片(母企鹅)型的超级帅哥.它是在kernel 2.0版发布的时候正式诞生的.A Brief History Of Tux - So Far 给了这个帅哥的一个简单介绍. 据说开始的时候在96年,大家就开始讨论给linux定一个logo. 很多人的提议要么是模仿其他一些操作系统的logo,要么就是一些鲨鱼、鹰这类比较强壮,大气的动物. ![]() Re: Linux Logo Linus Torvalds (torvalds@cs.helsinki.fi) Sun, 12 May 1996 09:39:19 0300 (EET DST) Umm.. You don''t have any gap to fill in. "Linus likes penguins". That''s it. There was even a headline on it in some Linux Journal some time ago (I was bitten by a Killer Penguin in Australia - I''m not kidding). Penguins are fun. As to why use a penguin as a logo? No good reason, really. But a logo doesn''t really ave to _mean_ anything - it''s the association that counts. And I can think of many worse things than have linux being associated with penguins. Having a penguin as a logo also gives more freedom to people wanting to use linux-related material: instead of being firmly fixed with a specific logo (the triangle, or just "Linux 2.0" or some other abstract thing), using something like a penguin gives people the chance to make modifications that are still recognizable. So you can have a real live penguin on a CD cover, for example, and people will get the association. Or you can have a penguin that does something specific (a Penguin writing on wordperfect for the WP Linux CD, whatever - you get the idea). Compare that to a more abstract logo (like the windows logo - it''s not a bad logo in itself). You can''t really do anything with a logo like that. It just "is". Anyway, go to "[url]http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/[/url]" for some nice examples.. Linus |
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