设计一个网站从来都不是一件容易的事。如果你去询问一位在该行业有丰富经验的网页设计师,他会告诉你以前根本没有太多关于Web设计/开发的资源、文章和各种沟通交流平台,更不用说高质量免费教程了。 如果您打算建立自己的个人网站或者重新设计您的博客的主题,现在看来已经不是很难了。这要感谢那些慷慨的设计师和撰稿者们,现在互联网充满着各种很棒的教程来帮助你逐步建立自己的网站界面及导航。这篇文章只是让大家浅尝辄止,更多的学习资源大家可以自行寻找。 Full list after jump. Beer/bar restaurant website layoutDesign a Web 2.0 tab with PhotoshopHow To Create a Stunning Vista Inspired MenuHow to make a semi-transparent Vista-inspired menu using gradients, shadows, and blurring to produce a stunning modern effect. Creating A Cool 3D Web Design EffectProduce nice subtle 3D effects in our web designs. Hero Header I, IICreate a Nature Inspired Painted Background in PhotoshopMake the Viget Inspire BackgroundAn overview of how Viget Inspire background is put together. How to Create a Simple & Sleek Web 2.0 Site FooterHow to produce a sleek looking site footer in Photoshop. Create a Sleek, High-End Web Design from ScratchHigh-end Web design using a crisp, thin font, gorgeous background images, and clever use of space and layout. Tutzor web 2.0 style design |
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