
Java ME应用设计指南之联网重定向 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-15

Java ME应用设计指南之联网重定向


HTTP 1.1协议允许Web服务器临时改变资源的位置,也就是说你访问的资源在另外一个地址。这时候服务器返回的响应代码是302,而新的地址存放在Header中,Header的名称是Location。正常情况下,客户端浏览器应该指向临时的访问地址。但是,移动终端设备差距很大,在处理302返回码的时候,设备之间的行为差异很大。


Connection c = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(uri); int status = c.getResponseCode(); String new_uri = c.getHeaderField("Location"); // new_uri is null on some devices if (status == 302) { c.close(); c = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(new_uri); // Breaks here }

由于重定向是HTTP 1.1的特性,那么所有1.1兼容的设备都需要考虑这个问题。下面介绍如何解决这个问题。





Connection c = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(uri); int status = c.getResponseCode(); String redirection = httpConnection.getHeaderField("Location"); if (status == HttpConnection.HTTP_TEMP_REDIRECT) { if (redirection != null) { // This the standard HTTP 1.1 behaviour, move on to the redirection uri (basically restarting again). } else { // Parse the content of the HTTP response, if any. // Lookup for a "Location" header, if found, set value to the redirection variable if (redirection != null) { // Since location was found, fall back to the standard behaviour. } else { long begin_wait = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - begin_wait < 1000 || response != 200) { sleep(100); response = httpConnection.getResponseCode(); }; if (response == 200) { // Once again we''re back on tracks, continue processing as if no error has ever happen } else { // Here we''re really hopeless. Either the server did provided a valid redirection uri, // or the device did not preserved it. The best option is probably to fail by throwing an exception. }; }; }; } else // Handle other error codes here }; // Handle success here (status == 200)

您还可以了解一下Http协议的细节,http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt。本文是笔者在阅读SUN的技术文章的时候编译的。您可以通过下面的地址阅读原文,也欢迎您编译其他的好文章,共同促进国内Java ME技术的发展。

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