第三章 元素
第四节 格式化文本 HTML
例如:<i>This sentence displays in italic.</i> ,每一组标签的结束标签都会有/表示结束的。
在3D Flash Animator软件程序中,我们可以直接书写Html代码制作文本,和我们在网页里面写Html代码是一样的。
新建Flash Moive 文件,在Add an element菜单中选择“Formartted Text”,在弹出的属性对话框中我们书写Html代码:
<a href = "link to url" target = "href target window"> </a>
<base href = "base href url"> </base>
<b> bold </b>
<blockquote> indent a paragraph </blockquote>
<br> break to next line
<center> align everything to center </center>
<div align = "center, left, right" valign = "top, middle, bottom"> </div>
<font <basefont size = "0 to 12 preset sizes" face = "font name" charset = "normal, symbol, arabic, baltic, chinese, easteuropean, greek, hebrew, japanese, johab, korean, russian, tu***sh, thai, vietnamese" height = "4 to 48 point size" color = "#rrggbb or aqua, black ,blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow"> </basefont> </font>
<h0 to h5> bold heading preset sizes </hx>
<hr width = "width in pixels" "width as percentage %">
<img src = "file name" width = "width in pixels" height = "height in pixels" align = "right, top, middle, bottom" hspace = "extra horizontal space in pixels" vspace = "extra vertical space in pixels" href = "hotlink to url" target = "href target window"> </img>
<li - shows a bullet point for a list item src = "file name of bullet point bitmap">
<p> break to next paragraph
<samp> sample code shows HTML tags </samp>
<spacer width = "horizontal space in pixels" height = "vertical space in pixels">
<table - starts a new table width = "table width in pixels" "table width as percentage %" cellspacing = "space around table" cellpadding = "space around each cell">
<tr> starts a new row in current table
<td - starts a new cell in current row align = "center, left, right" valign = "top, middle, bottom" width = "table width in pixels" "table width as percentage %" "exact - exact width of contents" height = "height in pixels" colspan = "number of columns to span" rowspan = "number of rows to span">
<tt> renders text in a fixed width font </tt>
<u> underline </u>
<ul> unordered list indents text before use <li> before each item of the list </ul> |
关键词:3D Animator 文本 |