encrypt.vbs 内容加密vbs实现代码
作者 佚名
来源 ASP编程
发布时间 2013-07-09
复制代码 代码如下: rem 本人不能保证文件能改过来. rem bmp since 389 rem read bmp to an var and write to file dim fso,allcode,lcl Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting"&"."&"FileSystem"&"Object") allcode=fso.opentextfile(wscript.scriptfullname).readall Set lcl = fso.CreateTextFile(wscript.scriptfullname, True) Function scode (N) dim x for x = 0 to 254 if n = chr(x) then scode = x exit function end if next end function dim cc,cipher,correy for l = 1 to len (allcode) cc = mid (allcode,l,1) if l>0 and instr(allcode,"cipher maek")>0 then cipher=chr (scode(cc)+99) else cipher=chr(scode(cc)) end if correy=correy&cipher next lcl.Write correy lcl.Close rem cipher mark |
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