使用ASP生成图片彩色校验码 49行代码,三个文件 Asp文件:Code.Asp 数据文件:body.Fix , Head.Fix 用法:img src='code.asp' %Option ExplicitResponse.buffer=trueNumCodeFunction NumCode() Response.Expires = -1 Response.AddHeader 'Pragma','no-cache' Response.AddHeader 'cache-ctrol','no 发布时间:2012-01-11 作者: 佚名 views(199)
大家都知道HTML静态网页更容易被搜索引擎收录索引,动态生成HTML网页,也可使网站的网页数量增多,搜索引擎收录的数量也可能多,再加下提高网页的质量也意未着什么呢?我想大家也知道。 为了这个,我决定了改变之前网站建设,网页设计的方法,经过多翻的研究及思考,对多种网页动态生成的方法,我比较喜欢用标签替换的方法成生 发布时间:2012-01-11 作者: 佚名 views(182)
文件操作类File: % Class File Private FSO Private IPath Private IContent Public Property Let Path(ByVal PPath) IPath = PPath End Property Public Property Get Path() Path = IPath End Property Public Property Let Content(ByVal PContent) IContent = PContent E 发布时间:2012-01-11 作者: 佚名 views(172)
异常类Exception: % Class Exception Private IWindow Private ITarget Private ITimeOut Private IMode Private IMessage Private IHasError Private IRedirect Public Property Let Window(ByVal Value) IWindow = Value End Property Public Property Get Window() Wind 发布时间:2012-01-11 作者: 佚名 views(168)
分页类Pager % Class Pager Private IUrl Private IPage Private IParam Private IPageSize Private IPageCount Private IRecordCount Private ICurrentPageIndex Public Property Let Url(ByVal PUrl) IUrl = PUrl End Property Public Property Get Url() If IUrl = '' T 发布时间:2012-01-11 作者: 佚名 views(184)
还有一个读取XML的类 XmlReader: % Class XmlReader Private Xml Public Sub Load(ByVal Path) Xml.Load(Server.MapPath(Path)) End Sub Public Function SelectSingleNode(ByVal XPath) Set SelectSingleNode = Xml.SelectSingleNode(XPath) End Function Public Function Sele 发布时间:2012-01-11 作者: 佚名 views(183)
% Site validator 1.0.0 Very simple concept, run this script on your server, it records the file details to an XML file which you download and store. Then, when you come back to make changes you can run the XML file back through this script and it wil 发布时间:2012-01-11 作者: 佚名 views(162)
来源:JARON.CN % class StringOperations **************************************************************************** @功能说明: 把字符串换为char型数组 @参数说明: - str [string]: 需要转换的字符串 @返回值: - [Array] Char型数组 *********************************************************** 发布时间:2012-01-11 作者: 佚名 views(188)