作者 佚名技术
来源 CSS技术
发布时间 2012-02-26
ered / CSS-controlled page animation technique.
Defining CSS constants using PHP is a good article on using PHP to allow constants (’variables’) in CSS. For instance you can use this technique to define a repetitive color in CSS as a variable. That way you only need to declare it once and only change that one instance should you want to change that color. Very handy.
24ways has a good article on using z-index attribute.
apples-to-oranges.com has a fantastic tutorial on how to create great looking bar graphs with CSS
Image map for detailed information showcases use of CSS to provide an image with mouse-over-section for detailed notes.
From the “How the heck did I miss this department: cssQuery a powerful cross-browser JavaScript function that enables querying of a DOM document using CSS selectors. All CSS1 and CSS2 selectors are allowed plus quite a few CSS3 selectors.
Bulletproof logos via simplebits
Css Color Chart
Check ma***ng visited links
CSS Gradients Demo — creating gradient background effect in CSS using server-side constants technique developed bu Shaun Inman.
Creating s star rating using CSS
- CSS Star Rating Part Deux is a follow-up to the aforementioned technique that adds the starting “state.
- And here’s an external article which wraps it all up with a tutorial on how to use CSS star rating with PHP and database.
Image Placement Technique — Yes. Not “replacement but “placement.
FooterStick — how to force the footer of a webpage to stick to the bottom of the viewport.
Shaun Inman’s CSS-SSV — using PHP variables in CSS.
CSS scroll box fade using alpha-channel PNG
Styling visited links with :after pseudo class
Footnotes with CSS and JS
Restaurant menu layout in CSS via web-graphics.com
CSS scale image — using em values to scale the images in CSS. via bigbaer.com |