

作者 凌众技术 来源 网页制作 浏览 发布时间 2012-03-08



1. Create a new flash file (Actionscript 3.0) and save it as captureWebcam.fla.

2. Rename ‘layer 1′ to ‘button’. Create a button on the stage, convert it to a movie clip and give it an instance name of capture_mc.

3. Create a new layer named ‘actions’ and with its first frame selected open the actions panel.
All that we are going to do now happens in the actionscript code.

4. First we initialize a webcam by attaching a camera to a Video object that we add to the stage:

1.var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
2.var video:Video = new Video(320,240);
4.video.x = 20;
5.video.y = 20;
5. Then, we need to use the Bitmap and BitmapData classes to store the image that we want to capture and display on the stage.
We start by importing the Bitmap and BitmapData classes:

1.import flash.display.Bitmap;
2.import flash.display.BitmapData;
6. Then create a new BitmapData object of the same proportions of the video object to store the BitmapData captured from the playing webcam.
And create a bitmap object to display the data from the BitmapData object and add it to the stage.

1.var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(video.width,video.height);
3.var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
4.bitmap.x = 360;
5.bitmap.y = 20;
7. Finally, after setting its buttonMode property to true, we add a Click event listener to our button. This event is handled by the captureImage function that draws the image that is currently displaying from the webcam into our bitmapData object.

1.capture_mc.buttonMode = true;
4.function captureImage(e:MouseEvent):void {
5.   bitmapData.draw(video);
8. Here is the final code :

01.import flash.display.Bitmap;
02.import fla

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