作者 佚名技术
来源 NET编程
发布时间 2012-03-16
<?php /** * The ResultMessage class holds a message that can be returned * as a result of a process. The message has a severity and * message. * * @author nagood * */ class ResultMessage { private $severity; private $message;
/** * Constructor for the ResultMessage that allows you to assign * severity and message. * @param $sev See {@link getSeverity()} * @param $msg * @return unknown_type */ public function __construct($sev, $msg) { $this->severity = $sev; $this->message = $msg; }
/** * Returns the severity of the message. Should be one * "Information", "Warning", or "Error". * @return string Message severity */ public function getSeverity() { return $this->severity; }
/** * Sets the severity of the message * @param $severity * @return void */ public function setSeverity($severity) { $this->severity = $severity; }
public function getMessage() { return $this->message; }
public function setMessage($msg) { $this->message = $msg; } }
/* * Counts the messages with the given severity in the array * of messages. * * @param $messages An array of ResultMessage * @return int Count of messages with a severity of "Error" */ function countErrors($messages) { $matchingCount = 0; foreach($messages as $m) { if ($m->getSeverity() == "Error") { $matchingCount++; } } return $matchingCount; }
$messages = array(new ResultMessage("Error", "This is an error!"), new ResultMessage("Warning", "This is a warning!"), new ResultMessage("Error", "This is another error!"));
$errs = countErrors($messages);
echo("There are " . $errs . " errors in the result.\n");