
Apache 2.2.15版发布

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-03-16
Rainer Jung]

*) worker: Don''t report server has reached MaxClients until it has.
Add message when server gets within MinSpareThreads of MaxClients.
PR 46996. [Dan Poirier]

*) mod_ssl: When extracting certificate subject/issuer names to the
SSL_*_DN_* variables, handle RDNs with duplicate tags by
exporting multiple varialables with an "_n" integer suffix.
PR 45875. [Joe Orton, Peter Sylvester <peter.sylvester edelweb.fr>]

*) mod_authnz_ldap: Failures to map a username to a DN, or to check a user
password now result in an informational level log entry instead of
warning level. [Eric Covener]

*) core: Preserve Port information over internal redirects
PR 35999 [Jonas Ringh <jonas.ringh cixit.se>]

*) mod_filter: fix FilterProvider matching where "dispatch" string
doesn''t exist.
PR 48054 [<tietw gmail.com>]

*) Build: fix --with-module to work as documented
PR 43881 [Gez Saunders <gez.saunders virgin.net>]

*) mod_mime: Make RemoveType override the info from TypesConfig.
PR 38330. [Stefan Fritsch]

*) mod_proxy: unable to connect to a backend is SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
rather than BAD_GATEWAY or (especially) NOT_FOUND.
PR 46971 [evanc nortel.com]

*) mod_charset_lite: Honor ''CharsetOptions NoImplicitAdd''.
[Eric Covener]

*) mod_ldap: If LDAPSharedCacheSize is too small, try harder to purge
some cache entries and log a warning. Also increase the default
LDAPSharedCacheSize to 500000. This is a more realistic size suitable
for the default values of 1024 for LdapCacheEntries/LdapOpCacheEntries.
PR 46749. [Stefan Fritsch]

*) mod_disk_cache, mod_mem_cache: don''t cache incomplete responses,
per RFC 2616, 13.8. PR15866. [Dan Poirier]

*) mod_rewrite: Make sure that a hostname:port isn''t fully qualified if
the request is a CONNECT request. PR 47928
[Bill Zajac <billz consultla.com>]

*) mod_cache: correctly consider s-maxage in cacheability
decisions. [Dan Poirier]

*) core: Return APR_EOF if request body is shorter than the length announced
by the client. PR 33098 [ Stef

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