1. shell函数形式(已将其放在附件里,文件名为:chris-qsort.sh. 没法上传.sh脚本,故压缩打包了一下,文件名为:chris.zip):
- Quick_Sort(){
- #Sort Numeric-array in ASC order, using normal Quick-Sort algorithm.
- #C code: http://www.cnblogs.com/skyaspnet/archive/2010/11/03/1868298.html
- #Usage: Quick_Sort lowest_index highest_index array_name
- #e.g., Quick_Sort 0 9 array1
- #e.g., Quick_Sort 1 3 array2
- local array=${3}
- eval local pivot=\$\{${array}[${1}]\}
- local low=${1}
- local high=${2}
- [ ${1} -ge ${2} ] && return
- while [ ${low} -lt ${high} ]; do
- while [ ${low} -lt ${high} -a ${pivot} -le $(eval echo \$\{${array}[${high}]\}) ]; do
- let high
- done
- if [ ${pivot} -gt $(eval echo \$\{${array}[${high}]\}) ]; then
- eval ${array}[${low}]=\$\{${array}[${high}]\}
- eval ${array}[${high}]=${pivot}
- let low
- fi
- while [ ${low} -lt ${high} -a ${pivot} -ge $(eval echo \$\{${array}[${low}]\}) ]; do
- let low
- done
- if [ ${pivot} -lt $(eval echo \$\{${array}[${low}]\}) ]; then
- eval ${array}[${high}]=\$\{${array}[${low}]\}
- eval ${array}[${low}]=${pivot}
- let high
- fi
- done
- #Execute the Quick_Sort function recursively
- Quick_Sort ${1} $[${low}-1] ${array}
- Quick_Sort $[${low} 1] ${2} ${array}
- unset array pivot low high
- }
2. shell脚本形式,进行简单测试(已将其放在附件里,文件名为chris-algo.sh. 没法上传.sh脚本,故压缩打包了一下,文件名为:chris.zip).
- #!/bin/bash
- ##################################################
- ## Author : Chris
- ## Create Date: 2011-12-19
- ## Modify Date: 2011-12-19
- ## Realize common algorithms in bash-v3.x
- ## Note: Every function represents an algorithm.
- ##################################################
- #Normal Quick-Sort algorithm
- Quick_Sort(){
- #Sort Numeric-array in ASC order, using normal Quick-Sort algorithm.
- #C code: http://www.cnblogs.com/skyaspnet/archive/2010/11/03/1868298.html
- #Usage: Quick_Sort lowest_index highest_index array_name
- #e.g., Quick_Sort 0 9 array1
- #e.g., Quick_Sort 1 3 array2
- local array=${3}
- eval local pivot=\$\{${array}[${1}]\}
- local low=${1}
- local high=${2}
- [ ${1} -ge ${2} ] && return
- while [ ${low} -lt ${high} ]; do
- while [ ${low} -lt ${high} -a ${pivot} -le $(eval echo \$\{${array}[${high}]\}) ]; do
- let high
- done
- if [ ${pivot} -gt $(eval echo \$\{${array}[${high}]\}) ]; then
- eval ${array}[${low}]=\$\{${array}[${high}]\}
- eval ${array}[${high}]=${pivot}
- let low
- fi
- while [ ${low} -lt ${high} -a ${pivot} -ge $(eval echo \$\{${array}[${low}]\}) ]; do
- let low
- done
- if [ ${pivot} -lt $(eval echo \$\{${array}[${low}]\}) ]; then
- eval ${array}[${high}]=\$\{${array}[${low}]\}
- eval ${array}[${low}]=${pivot}
- let high
- fi
- done
- #Execute the Quick_Sort function recursively
- Quick_Sort ${1} $[${low}-1] ${array}
- Quick_Sort $[${low} 1] ${2} ${array}
- unset array pivot low high
- }
- main(){
- #Define array
- t_array=(49 38 65 97 76 13 27 9 2 1)
- #Output the original array
- for((i=0;i<10;i )); do
- printf "%d " ${t_array[${i}]}
- done
- printf "\n"
- #Using Quick_Sort function to sort t_array
- Quick_Sort 0 9 t_array
- #Output the sorted array
- for((i=0;i<10;i )); do
- printf "%d " ${t_array[${i}]}
- done
- printf "\n"
- }
- main