

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 429 发布时间 2012-03-29

e. day of the week (Sun, Mon, Tue, etc. OR 0-7)
f. command to execute (shell, perl, php, etc.)
3. Wakes up every minute in search of programs to execute
4. Reads cron entries from multiple files
5. Maintains per-user and system-wide (/etc/crontab

cron.deny - denies cron executinb by user
cron.monthly/ - runs jobs monthly
cron.weekly/ - runs jobs weekly
cron.daily/ - runs jobs daily
cron.hourly/ - runs jobs hourly
crontab - contains system-wide scheduers

Note: ''*'' wildcard in a time column means to run for all values

Per-user Crontabs:
Stored in: /var/spool/cron

1. Create a cron entry for the user ''student1''
a. ''su student1''
b. ''crontab -e''
c. create an entry, minus the name of the user

Note: ''crontab -l'' enumerates per-user cront entries

System-wide Crontab:
Stored in: /etc/crontab

1. Create a cron entry in: /etc/crontab

Note: ''crontab -l -u username'' - enumerates per-usercron entries


1. Handles logging
2. Unix Domain sockets (/dev/log)
3. Internet Sockets (UDP:514)
4. Ability to log to local and remote targets

Implented as ''sysklogd'' package

Primary configure file: /etc/syslog.conf

Standard syslog.conf file contains:
1. Rules
a. facilities -> applications/daemons/network device/etc.
b. levels -> Importance of message
Range: 0-7
7 = emergency
6 = alert
5 = critical 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net
4 = error
3 = warning
2 = notice
1 = info
0 = debug (more information)

2. Targets
a. file - /var/log/messages
b. tty - /dev/console
c. remotes host - @IP_ADDR_of_REMOTE_HOST

''*'' = catchall/wildcard to mean any facilities or level
''.none'' = exclusion rule

''man syslog.conf'' to learn about the support facilities.levels

1. Enable UDP logging for remote Cisco gateway (
a. netstat -nul | grep 514 - reveals UDP:514 listener
b. nano /etc/sysconfig/syslog
b1. ''SYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-m 0 -r"
c. restart syslog and confirm UDP:514 listener
c1. ''service syslog restart''
c2. ''netstat -nul | grep 514''
d. Configure the router using facility ''local0'' and level ''info''
e. configure /etc/syslog.conf to accept ''local0.info''
f. restart or reload ''syslog''

###Log Rotation###

1. Rotation of logs based on criteria
a. size
b. age (daily, weekly, monthly)
2. Compression
3. Maintain logs for a defined period

/etc/logrotate.conf - primary (global) config file for all logs
- can be overriden by context-sensitive files. i.e. apache
run ''man logrotate'' to get help paper
/etc/logrotate.d - directory for logs to be rotated
-httpd - used to rotate Apache logs

/var/log/httpd/*log {
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/httpd.pid 2>/dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true

Task: Setup rotation rule for Cisco log
1. Create entry in: /etc/logrotate.d based on /etc/logrotate.d/syslog 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net
2. Modified the entry to rotate based on new criteria
3. Rotated using ''logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf''
Note: Force using ''logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf''

###Common Network Utilities###

1. Useful for basic troubleshooting

1. ability to communicate with hosts using ICMP
a. PING sends ICMP echo-requests
b. PING expects to receive ICMP echo-replies

Task: PING some hosts and evaluate the output
1. ''ping localhost (''
2. ''ping -c 3 localhost'' - sends 3 ICMP echo-requests
Note: ''ping localhost'' performs name resolution using /etc/hosts
Note: ''/etc/hosts'' stores static name-to-IP mappings

Note: is full-reserved to the loopback adapter of ALL IPv4 hosts

3. ''ping -c 3''
4. ''ping -c 3 -i 3'' - delays PINGs to 3 seconds apart

Note: PING defaults to a standard 1-sedond interval
Note: Firewall(s) may block ICMP traffic, causing PING to fail

1. Great for basic TCP port diagnosis

1. Connect to TCP ports on various hosts
a. ''telnet 22''
b. ''telnet www.linuxcbt.com 80''

1. Provides network connection informationfrom /proc/net/*

1. Return useful information for various protocols
a. ''netstat''
b. ''netstat -a'' - returns all protocols/sockets
c. ''netstat -ntlp'' - returns all TCP LISTENERS without name resolution
d. ''netstat -nulp'' - returns all UDP LISTENERS without name resolution

Note: netstat use /etc/services to translate ports to names
Note: '''' - this means that Syslog will accept traffic to any of the defined IP addresses/interfaces on the system 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net

e. ''netstat -ntp'' - returns established connections (sockets)
f. ''netstat -rn'' - returns the route tables

1. Resolves layer-2 (OSI model) MAC addresses to layer-3 IP

1. Examine MAC addresses using: ifconfig and arp
a. ''ifconfig'' - returns our local MAC addresses
HWaddr 08:00:27:CF:4C:DB
b. ''arp -an'' - returns MAC to IP mappings

Note: When 2 TCP/IP hosts communicate, ARP is performed to translate the IP address(v6/v4) to a MAC address
Note: If a one or more routers seqarate the communicating hosts, then the MAC address of the default router''s (gateway''s) interface is stored by each client

###IPv4 Configuration $ Network Settings###

Network Support:
1. Boot system into a mulit-user mode
2. /etc/modprobe.conf - contains alias and reference to module(s) to be loaded in order to provide networking
3. Linux decides if the interface is DHCP or static by viewing the contents of:
a. /etc/sysconfig/network - networking=yes|no, IPv6_Support, Default Gateway, etc.
b. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - contains ifup, ifdown, and ifcfg-* scripts
c. /etc/init.d/network - main service

service network status - checks networking

system-config-network-* - network interface configuration

Note: Either update your net configuration manually from the shell, or using the ''system-config-network'' tools to avoid losing setttings

/etc/resolv.conf - DNS configuration file
/etc/hosts - static list of hosts

IPv4 Aliases:
1. ifconfig eth0:1
2. ifconfig eth0:2

Note: To ensure that aliases persist do the following:
1. cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ./ifcfg-eth0:1 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net
2. Modify ifcfg-eth0:1 to reflect aliased IP

Note: Aliases do NOT work dDHCP interfaces

ifconfig eth0:2 del - removes the virtual interface

IPv6 Config

1. Auto-configured by default gateway (router)
2. fe80:: - link-local address (loopback/local subnet address)
3. 2002:: - 6to4 address, that can be configured based on IPv4 embedded address, using HEX notation
ping6 -I eth0 fe80::a00:27ff:fecf:4cdb
traceroute6 - used to trace routes on IPv6 networks

### Kernel Upgrade ###
1. Provision of updated/patched kernel

1. Update the kernel
a. use ''uname -a'' to reveal current version
b. use ''rpm -qa | grep -i kernel'' - to reveal installed version
c. cat /etc/grub.conf -> /boot/grub/grub.conf
2. Proper installation method is as follows:
a. ''rpm -ivh kernel*.rpm'' - install a separate version

Note: Install the following kernel packages if necessary:
a. kernel-devel* - if module compilation is necessary
b. kernel-headers* - if recompilation is necessary

a. rpm -ivh kernle-2.6.18-53.el5.i686.rpm
Note: This will update GRUB (/boot/grub/grub.conf)
Note: Will also place the new kernel in the /boot file system

Examine traces in:
a. /boot
b. /boot/grub/grub.conf

3. Remove traces of former kernel using ''rpm -e [--nodeps]''
a. rpm -e kernel-2.6.18-8.el5 - remove older version
b. rpm -e --nodeps kernel-headers-2.6.18-8.el5 - force remove ignoring dependencies
c. rpm -e kernel-devel-2.6.18-8.el5

4. Install new ''kernel-headers'' and ''kernel-devel'' packages using YUM
a. yum -y install kernel-headers
b. yum -y install kernel-devel 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net

5. Confirm that the 3 ''kernel-*'' packages are installed:
a. rpm -qa | grep -i kernel

Note: Removal of older kernel-* packages cleans up:
a. /boot
b. /boot/grub/grub.conf (menu.lst)

###Runlevel Service Management Tools###
1. The ability to indicate desired runlevels for services
2. Service


1. ''ntsysv'' - manages services in the current run-level
2. ''ntsysv --level 35'' - manages service for run-levels 3 & 5

Note: ntsysv nor chkconfig starts|stops services

Chkconfig Usage
1. chkconfig --list ntpd - returns run-level environment for ''ntpd''
Note: items listed as ''off'' have K (kill) scripts
Note: items listed as ''on'' have S (start) scripts

2. ''chkconfig --level 3 ntpd off'' - creates a K(kill) script in run-level 3
3. ''chkconfig --level 35 ntpd off''
4. ''chkconfig ntpd on'' - enables ''ntpd'' in levels 2-5
5. ''chkconfig ntpd off'' - disables ''ntpd'' in levels 0-6

Note: Use ''chkconfig'' from the shell or a script
Note: Use ''ntsysv'' from the shell in interactive mode
Note: When controlling services using ''chkconfig'', reference the name of the service as it''s specified in: /etc/init.d

system-config-services - GUI tools to manage services

###Network Time Protocol (NTP) Implementation###
1. The ability to synch your system''s clock
2. Also can be used to synch other clocks
3. Implemented as: ''ntp-4.2...rpm'' package
4. Is hierarchial, using strata levels to denote time accuracy

/etc/ntp.conf - primary configuration

NTP Strata:
1. The ability to denote clock accuracy based on stratum 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf - includes key SSL directives

b. crypto-utils - provies /usr/bin/genkey

2. Generate SSL usage keys using: genkey
a. genkey site1.linuxcbt.internal - creates text-gui interface

3. Update /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf to reference the new keys (public/private)

4. Restart the HTTPD server
a. service httpd restart
b. httpd -S

5. Test HTTPS connectivity

Note: For mutliple SSL sites, copy the: /etc/httpd/confid/ssl.conf file to distinct file, that match your distinct IP-based VHosts

1. DBMS Engine
2. Compabtible with various frout-ends:
a. Perl
b. PHP
d. GUI Management

1. Install MySQL Client & Server
a. yum -y install mysql

/etc/my.cnf - primary config file
/usr/bin/mysql - primary client used to interact with the server
/usr/bin/mysqladmin - primary admin utility to returns sueful info, and perform admin tasks from the shell

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