Which Services Can I Disable?(linux下那些服务可以禁用掉)
PCMCIA is to support ethernet and modems in laptops. You can switch it off in desktops pop3dUsed to run a pop3 server on the machine. Unless you are a mail server, you don''t need this rhnsdThe RedHat network. Not needed if you use yum for all your updates rpcgssd/rpcidmapd/rpcsvcgssdThese are Network File System Daemons. If You do not use NFS, turn it off sendmail/smtpdFor use if your machine is a mail server. If not, it will mostly handle log alerts and other similar activities. It will not pose a security threat to leave it on. 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net smb/smbd/nmbd/winbindFor use if you want to network your linux box with a windows machine, and have the linux box appear in the ''network neighborhood'' snmpd/snmptrapdSimple Network Management Protocol. You probably don''t need this. squidUse this to become a sort of cache for internet requests from your local network. Unless internet requests go through you, this can be disabled sshd/telnetd/rshdAllow remote users to log onto your computer. Unless you need this, disable it. SSH is the most secure of these. syslogKeep this on. It logs your system activities. vsftpdThis makes your computer an ftp server. Unless you want people to access your computer via ftp, disable this wineKeeps a copy of WINE loaded so you can just double click on a .exe to run it. You won''t see this option unless you have WINE installed Linux系统守护进程详解 不要关闭下面这几个服务: acpid, haldaemon, messagebus, klogd, network, syslogd 1. NetworkManager, NetworkManagerDispatcher NetworkManager 是一个自动切换网络连接的后台进程.很多笔记本用户都需要启用该功能,它让你能够在无线网络和有线网络之间切换.大多数台式机用户应该关闭该服务.一些 DHCP 用户可能需要开启它. 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net 2. acpid 配置文件:/proc/acpi/event 说明:Advanced Configuration and Power Interface,为替代传统的APM电源管理标准而推出的新型电源管理标准.建议所有的笔记本用户开启它.一些服务器可能不需要 acpi.支持的通用操作有:“电源开关“,”电池监视“,”笔记本 Lid 开关“,“笔记本显示屏亮度“,“休眠”, “挂机”,等等. 3. anacron 配置文件:/etc/anacrontab 说明:一个自动化运行任务.Red Hat Linux 附带有四个自动化任务的工具:cron、 anacron、at、和 batch.当你的Linux主机并不是全天候开机,这个anacron就可以帮你执行在"crontab"设定的时间内没有执行的工作.举例来说,当你的主机在晚上12:00会自动关闭,但是偏偏crontab这个例行性工作是在4:00工作,这个时候例行性工作就不能起作用了.不过利用anacron就能做到. 是否需要启动:如果主机已经24小时开机,![]() ![]() |
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