

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-04-12
Optional: Set the priority of the message to high
mailObj.Priority = MailPriority.High
'' Optional: Attach a file to the email.
'' Note here that we have created a MailAttachment object to
'' attach a file to the email
mailObj.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment("c:\test.doc"))
'' Send the email using the SmtpMail object
End Sub
〈asp:label ID="Headingmsg" Text="Enter Your Email Address:" RUNAT="server"/〉
〈FORM METHOD="post" RUNAT="server"〉
Email Recipient: 〈INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="to"〉 〈br〉
Email Sender: 〈INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="from"〉
〈INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Submit" VALUE="Send Mail" RUNAT="server" OnServerClick="SendMail"〉

在以上例子中,From(发件人)和 To(收件人)的Email地址是从相应的文本框中收集的,点击“Send Mail”(发送邮件)按钮时,邮件就被发送出去。当“Send Mail”(发送邮件)按钮被点击时,表单回递到它自己,在服务器上“SendMail”(发送邮件)程序被触发,邮件被发送。下面是使用C#的例子:

〈%@page language="C#" %〉
〈%@Import Namespace="System.Web.Util" %〉
// This method is called on the server when the submit
// button is clicked on the client and when the page
// posts back to itself
public void SendMail (Object Obj, EventArgs E)
// Instantiate a MailMessage object. This serves as a message object
// on which we can set properties.
MailMessage mailObj = new MailMessage();
// Set the from and to address on the email
mailObj.From = Request.Form("From");
mailObj.To = Request.Form("To");
mailObj.Subject = "Subject Of the Mail";
mailObj.Body = "Body of the Mail";
// Optional: HTML format for the email
mailObj.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;
// Optional: Encoding for the message
mailObj.BodyEncoding = MailFormat.Base64;
// Optional: Set the priority of the message to high
mailObj.Priority = MailPriority.High;
// Optional: Attach a file to the email.
// Note here that we have created a MailAttachment object to
// attach a file to the email
mailObj.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment("c:\\test.doc"));
// Send the email using the SmtpMail object
〈asp:label ID="Headingmsg" Text="Enter Your Email Address:" RUNAT="server"/〉
〈FORM METHOD="post" RUNAT="server"〉
Email Recipient: 〈INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="to"〉 〈br〉
Email Sender: 〈INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="from"〉
〈INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Submit" VALUE="Send Mail" RUNAT="server" OnServerClick="SendMail"〉

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