
Linux Server Project

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-04-26
asked around and was told Gentoo was a PITA to install. It''s still a pretty good choice for a slow system, so I gave it a try. unfortunately, it ran out of space on the hard drive. I tried deleting X since I wouldn''t be needing it, but I must have gone too far because it complained about missing packages. I hit my threshold on that and began trying other distributions. Unfortunately, none of the graphic installers supported the Stealth64, so the major distros were out. I tried Debian, which installed without a hitch on the original hardware, but had no ext3 drivers. Rather than go to "unstable" I considered slackware. Well, actually, I tried Vector Linux since the description kind of looked like just what I wanted -- a minimum of services enabled by default, and a text installation. Too bad it couldn''t find the packages on the CD-ROM. A quick question on their support board turned up that the installer had a problem with some drives. I switched to a slower dive and installation went smoothly.
Samba TBA
HTTP proxy filtering The basic idea here is to filter the web for my daughter. Yeah, I''m a fascist pig and should trust her judgment. But 3 year olds do not have any judgment. I plan to slowly phase this out as she gets older and learns responsibility. Right now she gets to visit playhouse Disney and other kid''s sites and that''s it. The direct filtering will be at the firewall. Her computer (and the plan is for all wireless connections) will be blocked from Internet access. Instead, a proxy will be set up on the VL server that does have the right to access the Internet. Anyone can connect through it, and it will make sure that the proper filtering takes place. Prehistory I tried out privoxy and everything went perfectly. I highly recommend it, there was hardly any configuration necessary, and the make file installed everything beautifully. Unfortunately, it was no good for me. For one thing, it allows the user to configure it from the web browser, but has no way to turn that feature off (or better yet, requiring some log-in). What good does this all do for me if my daughter can just visit http://p.p/ and turn it off? So I kept looking and found DansGuardian. Wow, neat package that does real content filtering. That means I don''t need to maintain a whitelist, I can use a blacklist for the worst offenders and trust the content filtering to get the rest. It looked real good, installed nicely, and failed utterly because it depends on squid. So let''s start with that. Squid-cache Squid is a web caching program with some url filtering built in. Actually, it has a very powerful packet filter for maintaining black/white lists. I won''t be using 99% of the functionality but it is neat to know it is there. After downloading squid and putting it on the server I did the usual (this is very detailed since I was using the script command): root@FileServe:/home/ftp# tar xzf squid-2.5.STABLE4.tar.

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