作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-04-28
的,![]() 本脚本所做的事情并不是完全的安装好ORCLE,那也是不可能的事情, ![]() ![]() ![]() 本脚本只在RHEL5U3上做过测试,可以正常使用,对于其他版本有待验证和完善. #!/bin/bash #This program is used for helping you install oracle10g automatically. #Be used in Redhat 5 enterprise. #Statment:Before installing oracle10g by this program,you should prepare oracle10g tar.gz file, rlwrap and redhat install CD path.If you have any question about this program,you could contact me by the following email address. #Author:Levin Wong<> #Written on xxxx trap ''echo;exit 0;'' 2 #Set trap,so you can interrupt the program when it is running. shmmax=$(($(free |awk ''NR==2{print $2}'')*1024/2)) #Set the argument "shmmax" according to the memory size of your computer. read -p "Please input the oracle username that you want to create:" ooname read -p "Please verify the oracle username:" oname until [ ! -z "$oname" ] #Make judgment about if the variable $oname you given is null. do read -p "Please verify the oracle username:" oname done username=$(awk -F: ''{print $1}'' /etc/passwd) for i in $username #Judge about if $oname already exists in your system. do if [ $oname = $i ] then echo "Error!The username you input is already exists in your system."; exit 1 fi done until [ ${oname}x = ${ooname}x ] #Make sure that the input is the very one which you want. do read -p "Please input the oracle username that you want to create:" ooname read -p "Please verify the oracle username:" oname if [ -z "$oname" ] #If $oname is still null,then exit this program. then echo "Error!" exit 1 fi done read -p "Please input rlwrap path:" rlpath read -p "Please input the path of CD:" cdpath until [ -e "$cdpath"/Server ] #Make sure the path that you given is right. do read -p "Wrong path of CD,please retry:" cdpath done read -p "Please input your oracle tar.gz package name(include path) :" opackage if [ ! -f "$opackage" ] then echo "The package is wrong!" exit 1 fi { groupadd oinstall groupadd dba useradd -m -g oinstall -G dba $oname mkdir -p /u01/app/$oname chown -R $oname:oinstall /u01/app/$oname chmod -R 775 /u01/app/$oname }&>/dev/null tar -zxf $opackage -C /home/$oname &>/dev/null until [ "$?" -eq "0" ] #Make sure that the package you given is absolutely right. do read -p "Wrong package,please retry:" opachage tar -zxf $opackage -C /home/$oname &>/dev/null done pushd $cdpath/Server &>/dev/null { rpm -Uvh compat-db-4* rpm -Uvh libaio-0* rpm -Uvh co |
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