作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-04-28
Bacula结构复杂,采用模块设计,让bacula运行起来需要5个步骤: (1)安装Bacula所支持的一种数据库以及Bacula的守护进程; (2)配置Bacula的守护进程; (3)安装和配置客户机上的文件守护进程; (4)启动Bacula的守护进程; (5)用Bacula控制台把介质加入存储池; 客户机只运行一个文件守护进程,其余的4个组件(控制器守护进程bacula-dir.conf,存储守护进程bacula-sd.conf,编目数据库MySql和控制台bconsole.conf)都运行在服务器,存储设备为文件系统! bacula-dir.conf是最复杂的一个文件,它一共有10个逻辑段: director(定义全局), catalog(定义日志), jobdefs(定义备份的默认值), job(定义特定操作), fileset(定义备份哪些区域不备份哪些区域), schedule(定义备份时间), pool(定义备份介质), client(定义要备份的主机), storage(定义如何存储) messages(定义如何处理消息) 本文是以当前最新的bacula版本做为基础,来安装和编译bacula,如有不足之处希望大家提出建议. 1, ![]() ![]() Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g. Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.22-log Type ''help;'' or ''h'' for help. Type ''c'' to clear the buffer. mysql> show databases; -------------------- | Database | -------------------- | information_schema | | bacula | | mysql | mysql>use bacula; mysql>show tables; --------------------- ======== 3,设置配置文件 vim /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf Director { # define myself Name = oracle.mt.com-dir DIRport = 9101 # where we listen for UA connections QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql" WorkingDirectory = "/var/bacula/working" PidDirectory = "/var/run" Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1 Password = "awqSCSuFrb8vew9qAikVQyI7J1KesQGpG1gMwJVybxME" # Console password Messages = Daemon } JobDefs { Name = "DefaultJob" Type = Backup Level = Incremental Client = oracle.mt.com-fd FileSet = "Full Set" Schedule = "WeeklyCycle" Storage = File Messages = Standard Pool = Default Priority = 10 } Job { Name = "Backup1" JobDefs = "DefaultJob" Write Bootstrap = "/var/bacula/working/Client1.bsr" } Job { Name = "RestoreFiles" Type = Restore Client=oracle.mt.com-fd FileSet="Full Set" Storage = File Pool = Default Messages = Standard Where = /tmp/bacula-restores } # List of files to be backed up FileSet { Name = "Full Set" Include { Options { signature = MD5 } File = /boot } |
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