

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-04-30
B20000I The RESTORE DATABASE command completed successfully. db2 => rollforward db yan to end of logs and complete overflow log path (/home/db2inst1/log)--前滚日志 Rollforward Status Input database alias = yan Number of nodes have returned status = 1 Node number = 0 Rollforward status = not pending Next log file to be read = Log files processed = S0000002.LOG - S0000002.LOG Last committed transaction = 2009-08-07- UTC DB20000I The ROLLFORWARD command completed successfully. db2 => select *from test --能查出所有的测试数据 *******************************增量备份和还原******************************** db2 => insert into test values (5,''oracle'',''mysql'') --插入测试数据 db2 => backup db yan online incremental to /home/db2inst1/backup --备份数据库 Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20090807085501 [db2inst1@yan ~]$ cp -rf archivelog/NODE0000/* log --拷贝日志 db2 => drop db yan --手动删除数据库,模拟灾备 DB20000I The DROP DATABASE command completed successfully. db2 => restore db yan incremental automatic from /home/db2inst1/backup taken at 20090807085501 DB20000I The RESTORE DATABASE command completed successfully. --恢复数据库 db2 => rollforward db yan to end of logs and complete overflow log path (/home/db2inst1/log) Rollforward Status Input database alias = yan Number of nodes have returned status = 1
Empire CMS,phome.net
Node number = 0 Rollforward status = not pending Next log file to be read = Log files processed = S0000004.LOG - S0000004.LOG Last committed transaction = 2009-08-07- UTC DB20000I The ROLLFORWARD command completed successfully. db2 => select *from test --能查出所有的测试数据

Empire CMS,phome.net

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