Install Oracle(Two) - Oracle11g on Ubuntu Linux 8
作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-04-30
took about 3.4 GB on disk (without the starter database!). As your database grows, it will need more space. Reserve a total of at least 6 GB for the unpacked installer and the basic installation. You can get rid of the installer files afterwards.# sudo mkdir -p /opt/oracleStep Three Add a few users and change groups to make the installer more comfortable. Remember, we are tricking the installer to think it’s installing on a Red Hat box. # sudo addgroup oinstall
# sudo addgroup dba
# sudo addgroup nobody
拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问 sudo useradd -g oinstall -G dba -p password -d /home/oracle -s /bin/bash -m oracle
# sudo usermod -g nobody nobody
The usermod command is needed since because when running, the installer looks for a user called nobody which is part of a group named nobody (in Ubuntu, the user nobody it’s assigned to nogroup by default).
Step Four
Make some symlinks. Apparently, the installer uses absolute paths, so it must find the binaries in the right places.# sudo ln -s /usr/bin/awk /bin/awk #sudo ln -s /usr/bin/rpm /bin/rpm # sudo ln -s /usr/bin/basename /bin/basenameStep Five We need to mimic the /etc/rc.d directory structure of a Red Hat box. We do this with more symlinks:#sudo mkdir /etc/rc.d #sudo ln -s /etc/rc0.d /etc/rc.d/rc0.d #sudo ln -s /etc/rc1.d /etc/rc.d/rc1.d #sudo ln -s /etc/rc2.d /etc/rc.d/rc2.d #sudo ln -s /etc/rc3.d /etc/rc.d/rc3.d #sudo ln -s /etc/rc4.d /etc/rc.d/rc4.d #sudo ln -s /etc/rc5.d /etc/rc.d/rc5.d #sudo ln -s /etc/rc6.d /etc/rc.d/rc6.d #sudo ln -s /etc/init.d /etc/rc.d/init.dStep Six I’ve created a file called /etc/redhat-release and put only one line on it. The same can be achieved by issuing the following as root:
echo "Red Hat Linux release 4" > /etc/redhat-releaseNote: 1.It doesn''t work. Please do it in another way. (1) sudo vi /etc/redhat-release (2) Input Red Hat Linux release 4" Step Seven We tweak the system default limits on a few items. The shared-memory are specially important, since Oracle relies on shared memory for process communications. There is a file called 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问 /etc/sysctl.conf and it should have these lines on it:fs.file-max = 65535 kernel.shmall = 2097152 kernel.shmmax = 2147483648 kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000 net.core.rmem_default = 1048576 net.core.rmem_max = 1048576 net.core.wmem_default = 262144 net.core.wmem_max = 262144Now that they are in a config file, these limits will be issued automatically at the next boot sequence. For now, we need to make the system re-read the config file: # sysctl -pNow, what do those parameters and values actually mean?
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