rche 033----unit9
作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-05-02
unit9 config the bash shell
.local variables .aliases and functions .the set command .environment variables variables: A variable is a label that has a value .used to config the shell or other programs .variables are resided in memory .two types :local and environment .local varibales are used only by the shell .environment variables are passed onto other commamd .display variables and values using .set to display all variables .env to display environment variables set |more 查看系统中所有的变量 env | more ===环境 变量 configuring the shell: local variables .Data in shell scripts and environment settings stored in variables .conventionally all upper-case .setting variable value $ FAV_COLOR=blue set |more 查看 .to retrieve variable value.use $ before variable name echo $FAV_COLOR blue 4,common local variables .histfilesize determines how many commands to be saved in the history file on logout .columns sets the width of the terminal .lines sets the height of the terminal 5,ps1 local variable . ps1 sets the prompt .d today is date .h short hostname .t current time .u user name .w current working directory .! the history number of current command .$ shows $ if you are a none-privileged user and a # if you are a privileged user .l the basename of the shell is terminal device name [root@mycentos ~]# echo $PS1 [u@h W]$ [root@mycentos ~]# PS1=''[u@h w l d t !] |
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