le.out | mail –s "Here''s your E-mail!" acormany@yahoo.com),也可以把文件的内容重定向到 mail 命令的 stdin:
拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net# mail –s "Here''s your E-mail!" acormany@yahoo.com < mail_file.out
使用 <<(也称为 here-document)可以节省格式化时间,并且使命令执行的处理更容易.通过使用 <<,文本字符串被重定向到执行的命令作为 stdin,但是可以继续输入信息,直到到达终止标识符.只需输入命令,输入 << 和终止标识符,然后输入需要的任何内容, 在一个新行上输入终止标识符.通过使用 here-document,可以保留空格、换行等.
例如,UNIX 单独处理下面五个 echo 语句:
# echo "Line 1"
Line 1
# echo "Line 2"
Line 2
# echo "Line 3"
Line 3
# echo "Line 4"
Line 4
# echo "Line 5"
Line 5
可以用以下代码替换多个 echo 语句,UNIX 只需处理一次执行:
# cat << EOF
> Line 1
> Line 2
> Line 3
> Line 4
> Line 5
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
还可以使用制表符让 shell 脚本中的内容更整洁一点,这只需要在 << 和终止标识符之间放上一个连字符(-):
# cat <<- ATC
> Line 1
> Line 2
> Line 3
> Line 4
> Line 5
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
清单 7 给出的示例演示如何结合使用本文到目前为止讨论的东西.
清单 7. 组合 CLI
# cat redirect_example
cat <<- ATC | sed "s/^/Redirect Example => /g" >> atc.out This is an example of how to redirect stdout to a file as well as pipe stdout into stdin of another command (i.e. sed), all done inside a here-document.
清单 22. 用所有五个参数执行脚本
# ./subops_examples arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 Test 1A: The 1st argument is arg1 Test 1B: The 1st argument is arg1 Test 2A: The 2nd argument is arg2 Test 2B: The 2nd argument is arg2 Test 3A: The 3rd argument is arg3 Test 3B: The 3rd argument is arg3 Test 4A: The 4th argument was supplied Test 5: If the 4th argument was provided, the value would be arg4. Otherwise, we will not see this message and get an error instead. arg5
清单 23 显示提供七个参数时的情况.注意, 提供了七个参数, 第五和第六个参数被忽略.
清单 23. 用七个参数执行脚本
# ./subops_examples arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 Test 1A: The 1st argument is arg1 Test 1B: The 1st argument is arg1 Test 2A: The 2nd argument is arg2 Test 2B: The 2nd argument is arg2 Test 3A: The 3rd argument is arg3 Test 3B: The 3rd argument is arg3 Test 4A: The 4th argument was supplied Test 5: If the 4th argument was provided, the value would be arg4. Otherwise, we will not see this message and get an error instead. arg7
阅读本文之后,您应该更好地理解了 UNIX 用户输入的那些 “奇怪的” 字符.您了解了如何把数据重定向到 stdin 或 stdout,如何使用管道,以及如何在 UNIX 中使用操作符;这些都有助于您编写出更强大的脚本,更好地捕捉错误,使逻辑更简洁清晰.祝您好运!
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