Amanda(高级马里兰自动网络磁盘归档 Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver)网络备份软件是我第一次接触Linux就听到过,只是从来都没有使用过,有需要备份得时候,就是自己写写简单的脚本,使用cron来做定时任务,也能基本满足需求.虽然曾经起心想用Amanda,但限于没有适合的环境,只能作罢. 现在的情况有所不同了,有4,5台服务器需要备份,设计到不同的平台,其备份特性应该达到或者至少朝企业级标准靠拢,因此,这几天看了看Amanda的文档,做了一些测试,目前在我的环境下配置成功,特记录下来和大家分享. 这次打算分两篇文档介绍,本篇是介绍文件备份,下一篇将介绍针对MySQL数据库的备份方法. 这次配置的大致流程如下: ◆安装和配置Amanda备份服务器 ◆安装Amanda客户端 ◆配置服务器和客户端参数 ◆检验配置 ◆校验备份 ◆测试恢复 下面的列表给出这次测试环境的网络和机器配置
root@cp1:~# /etc/init.d/xinetd reload * Reloading internet superserver configuration xinetd [ OK ] root@cp1:~# 二、安装客户端 用root登录cp2机器,下载对应的客户端并安装 [root@cp2 /tmp]# rpm -i amanda-backup_client-2.6.1p1-1.rhel5.i386.rpm 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: Preparing to install: Amanda Community Edition - version 2.6.1p1 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: Checking for ''amandabackup'' user... 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: The ''amandabackup; user account has been successfully created. 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: Furthermore, the account has been automatically locked for you 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: for security purposes. Once a password for the ''amandabackup'' 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: account has been set, the user can be unlocked by issuing 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: the following command as root.: 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: # passwd -u amandabackup 4月 11 2009 12:16:32:
4月 11 2009 12:16:32: If this is not a new installation of Amanda and you have 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: pre-existing Amanda configurations in /etc/amanda 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: you should ensure that ''dumpuser'' is set to ''amandabackup'' 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: in those configurations. Additionally, you should ensure 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: that /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts on your client systems 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: is properly configured to allow connections for the user 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: ''amandabackup''. 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: 4月 11 2009 12:16:32: === Amanda backup client installation started. === 4月 11 2009 12:16:35: Updating |
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