作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-05-13
1.安装两块网卡 在linux系统下将两块网卡配置好,使其均能独立工作.可能会碰到驱动问题,自己想办法解决吧,无非是在内核配置里找或者找第三方的. 网卡不一定要一个型号,我用的一块是独立的,一块是集成的,也没什么问题. 2.编译内核 在内核中添加bonding的支持. 在原码目录下make menuconfig 选上device drivers -> network device support -> bonding driver support 一般来说2.4以上默认是选上的,我用的2.6.22 编译内核其他过程不再赘述 3.bonding配置 以下是截取源代码目录下/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt中的一段说明 3.2 Configuration with Initscripts Support ------------------------------------------ This section applies to distros using a version of initscripts with bonding support, for example, Red Hat Linux 9 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 3 or 4. On these systems, the network initialization scripts have some knowledge of bonding, and can be configured to control bonding devices. These distros will not automatically load the network adapter driver unless the ethX device is configured with an IP address. Because of this constraint, users must manually configure a network-script file for all physical adapters that will be members of a bondX link. Network script files are located in the directory: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts The file name must be prefixed with "ifcfg-eth" and suffixed with the adapter''s physical adapter number. For example, the script for eth0 would be named /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.Place the following text in the file: USERCTL=no ONBOOT=yes MASTER=bond0 SLAVE=yes BOOTPROTO=none The DEVICE= line will be different for every ethX device and must correspond with the name of the file, i.e., ifcfg-eth1 must have a device line of DEVICE=eth1. The setting of the MASTER= line will also depend on the final bonding interface name chosen for your bond. As with other network devices, these typically start at 0, and go up one for each device, i.e., the first bonding instance is bond0, the second is bond1, and so on. Next, create a bond network script. The file name for this script will be /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bondX where X is the number of the bond. For bond0 the file is named "ifcfg-bond0", for bond1 it is named "ifcfg-bond1", and so on. Within that file, place the following text: DEVICE=bond0 IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= BROADCAST= ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=none USERCTL=no Be sure to change the networking specific lines (IPADDR, NETMASK, NETWORK and BROADCAST) to match your network configuration. Finally, it is necessary to edit /etc/modules.conf (or /etc/modprobe.conf, depending upon your distro) to load the bonding module with your desired options when the bond0 interface is brought up. The following lines in /etc/modules.conf (or modprobe.conf) will load the bonding module, and select its options: alias bond0 bo |
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