AKA 2007 Linux 内核开发者大会
作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-05-15
x kernel,并最终重写了内核的文件预读部分,并向Linux内核提交代码,他提交的Linux文件预读算法代码已经被Linux官方组织正是接纳.) 演讲内容: 磁盘IO性能的发展远远滞后于CPU和内存,因而成为现代计算机系统的一个主要瓶颈.预读(readahead/prefetching)可以有效的减少磁盘的寻道次数和应用程序的IO等待时间,是改进磁盘读IO性能的重要优化手段之一.我们重写了Linux内核中的预读算法,改进了其数据结构和算法.以更清晰的代码,实现了对更多读取模式的支持,包括异步/非阻塞IO,多线程交织IO,顺序随机混合IO,大规模并发IO,等等. 该算法可能的应用领域包括一些数据库应用,NFS/VOD/HTTP文件服务,多线程/多媒体应用, 科学及工程计算等等.所述改进将会出现在Linux 2.6.23及其后续版本中. 第四场 主题:Kernel-mode video driver for Linux 主讲人: Jesse Barness(Jesse is a long time Linux and open source contributor. He is perhaps best known for his role as Linux platform maintainer for SGI''s Altix line of Itanium based computers, in which he contributed significantly to Linux scalability efforts, APIs for driver optimization, and new userspace interfaces to allow user level drivers like X to be easily ported to exotic platforms. Jesse currently works at 英特尔''s Open source Technology Center (OTC), where he collaborates with other OTC developers on developing software and drivers for 英特尔''s graphics chips and platform architecture. Current tasks include improve graphics on Linux, reducing power consumption, and working on platform architecture for future 英特尔 Products) 演讲内容: This talk will focus on the Linux graphics space, providing an overview of the current state of affairs, and the author''s efforts to improve them. We''ll cover, in-depth, attempts to redesign the kernel''s graphics subsystem to improve user''s suspend/resume, panic, and graphics configuration experience. This will include an overview of the current pieces of the graphics puzzle ( e.g. kernel DRM, fb layer, vgacon, X server, etc.), how they fit together (or not), and what can be done to make them play together nicely (like centralizing important functions in kernel space), with an eye toward the DRM modesetting tree, which includes significant new kernel functionality and userspace APIs to take advantage of it. Particular attention will be paid to initial graphics discovery and configuration, modesetting, and memory management. 第五场 主题:Living Rules in Kernel Community 主讲人: Bryan Wu 伍鹏(现为美国模拟器件公司Blackfin Linux Team的产品应用工程师.他一直活跃在嵌入式Linux开发的领域.当前,他是Blackfin体系架构在Linux内核社区的maintainer.负责内核开发,blackfin-git tree维护,以及其他开源项目的工作.在2.6.22稳定内核中已经正式加入了对Blackfin体系架构的支持.) 演讲内容: 1. LKML introduction 2. Patch Living rules 3. Blackfin uClinux kernel management 4. Conclusion and reference 第六场 主题:如何促进中国开发者参与Linux内核开发 主讲人: 李阳(毕业于北京大学计算机系.李阳是飞思卡尔半导体的资深软件工程师,拥有7年Linux相关开发的经验.目前主要从事PowerPC嵌入式Linux系统移植和驱动程序开发,并积极向Linux内核提交代码.最近发起并组织内核开发文档的翻译工作,并建立zh-kernel.org内核开发者中文社区,以帮助更多 |
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上一篇: 修改的匈牙利命名法下一篇: 关于 Linux 下的 chroot 的些许介绍
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