2. Cache as much as possible. Use memcached - memcached is a high-performance memory object caching system intended to speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. OP code caches are useful so that your script does not have to be compiled on every request. 尽量做缓存,可使用memcached.memcached是一款高性能的内存对象缓存系统,可用来加速动态Web应用程序,减轻数据库负载。对运算码(OP code)的缓存很有用,使得脚本不必为每个请求做重新编译。
33. When working with strings and you need to check that the string is either of a certain length you'd understandably would want to use the strlen() function. This function is pretty quick since it's operation does not perform any calculation but merely return the already known length of a string available in the zval structure (internal C struct used to store variables in PHP)。 However because strlen() is a function it is still somewhat slow because the function call requires several operations such as lowercase & hashtable lookup followed by the execution of said function. In some instance you can improve the speed of your code by using an isset() trick. 当操作字符串并需要检验其长度是否满足某种要求时,你想当然地会使用strlen()函数。此函数执行起来相当快,因为它不做任何计算,只返回在zval结构(C的内置数据结构,用于存储PHP变量)中存储的已知字符串长度。但是,由于strlen()是函数,多多少少会有些慢,因为函数调用会经过诸多步骤,如字母小写化(译注:指函数名小写化,PHP不区分函数名大小写)、哈希查找,会跟随被调用的函数一起执行。在某些情况下,你可以使用isset()技巧加速执行你的代码。 Ex.(举例如下) if (strlen($foo) < 5) { echo "Foo is too short"; } vs.(与下面的技巧做比较) if (!isset($foo{5})) { echo "Foo is too short"; } Calling isset() happens to be faster then strlen() because unlike strlen(), isset() is a language construct and not a function meaning that it's execution does not require function lookups and lowercase. This means you have virtually no overhead on top of the actual code that determines the string's length. 调用isset()恰巧比strlen()快,因为与后者不同的是,isset()作为一种语言结构,意味着它的执行不需要函数查找和字母小写化。也就是说,实际上在检验字符串长度的顶层代码中你没有花太多开销。 34. When incrementing or decrementing the value of the variable $i++ happens to be a tad slower then ++$i. This is something PHP specific and does not apply to other languages, so don't go modifying your C or Java code thinking it'll suddenly become faster, it won't. ++$i happens to be faster in PHP because instead of 4 opcodes used for $i++ you only need 3. Post incrementation actually causes in the creation of a temporary var that is then incremented. While pre-incrementation increases the original value directly. This is one of the optimization that opcode optimized like Zend's PHP optimizer. It is still a good idea to keep in mind since not all opcode optimizers perform this optimization and there are plenty of ISPs and |
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