

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 594 发布时间 2012-05-23
formation that may give intruders hints to the structure of your system. By default, display_errors = On.

  You can find more information and error reporting options in the manual''s Error Handling and Logging Functions Introduction section.



  使用隐藏信息来保证安全不能从根本上起到安全作用(Security by obscurity is no security at all.),但另一方面你也不想泄露你的站点信息。



  只要简单地在生产服务器的php.ini 设置display_errors = Off ,就可以防止泄露系统结构信息,让入侵者有机可乘。默认的设置是:display_errors = On.



  PHP Security Tip #3

  Cal Evans (editor) | 1 comment | Monday, March 5, 2007

  Being Security conscious is a good thing but that alone won’t solve the problem. Developers have to be vigilant when it comes to security. Even then you can’t do it alone. Today’s Security tip reminds you of this.

  Since your application may be harboring security vulnerabilities that you have not been exposed to, third-party security software or services should be considered to help bring a fresh perspective and find overlooked weaknesses.

  As a developer you should have tools in your toolbox that will help you find security vulnerabilities in your applications. Tools like Chorizo will help you by performing automated scans of your code. Programs like PHPSecInfo will help you ensure that your environment is configured properly.

  Using tools like these and other scanning tools should not be the only thing you do to ensure security. They are however, an important part of the mix. Let trusted projects and vendors help you build and maintain secure applications.



  有安全意识是一件好事,但其本身不能解决问题,在安全问题上时开发者必须时刻保持警惕,尽管那样还是不足够的,今天的安全建议给你提 个醒:


  作为开发者,你的工具箱应该有能帮助检测应用程序安全隐患方面的工具。像Chorizo那样的工具, 它能自动扫描你的代码来发现问题,而像PHPSecInfo这样的程序可以确保环境的正确配置。



  PHP Security Tip #4

  Cal Evans (editor) | 7 comments | Tuesday, March 6, 2007

  “Security through obscurity is no security at all.” so the adage goes. However, the flip side of that coin is, obscurity, wh

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