[翻译]PHP安全小建议( 下)
近日比较关注PHP的安全问题,国内的许多开发者,特别是PHP初学者,很多时候仅满足功能是否实现,对安全的探讨浅尝辄止甚至漠不关心。这样的后果很严重,比如泛滥的SQL注入,甚至还有直接被下载数据库连接文件的……此文译自Cal Evans发表DevZone的系列专题:PHP Security Tip (安全建议/小窍门) 虽然不是最新文章,但提到的许多原则性的东西和经典的做法仍然是值得重视的,绝对是值得一读的好文章,借此抛砖引玉,希望能给大家一点帮助,建立良好的安全意识,了解必要的防范措施。 文中加入本人的理解和注释的地方已经注明,首次翻译,不当之处欢迎指出。谢谢 ! ——By Falcon ,原书共21个建议,这是翻译的下部。 [翻译]PHP安全小建议(上) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHP Security Tip #12 Cal Evans (editor) | 1 comment | Friday, March 16, 2007 We’ve talked about filtering, we’ve talked about validating, we’ve talked about filtering again. Filtering inputs into your application is an important concept and the pre-cursor to many good security practices. However, once you have the input filtered and validated you can’t simply sit back and relax. You have to stay vigilant when programming to ensure security throughout your application. Filtering input gives some developers a false sense of security. They assume that since they;ve filtered the input, there’s no reason to worry. That may be true in some simple instances but in most complex applications, you have to constantly be aware of what you are using the input for. This is never more true than when using user input in the eval() command. That brings us to today’s tip: Think carefully before using eval() By using user-inputted values in an eval(), you are potentially giving a malicious user a gateway to your server. Even if your interface forces them to chose only predefined options, the call to your script can be spoofed and your script can potentially be used to execute commands on demand by people who want to do bad things. Use eval() sparingly. When you do have to use it, make sure you filter and then validate the input. If there are other ways to accomplish the task then consider using them instead. =C= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHP安全建议#12 我们谈论过过滤,谈论过验证,让我们又再来讨论一下过滤。 过滤用户输入是个很重要的观念,也很多良好安全习惯的前导(pre-cursor),然而,经过了过滤输入和验证处理之后,你还不能坐下来歇一会。在贯穿整个应用程序安全的编码中,你必须保持警惕。 过滤输入给某些开发者一种安全错觉,他们会武断地认为,既然已经过滤了输入 ,那就应该没什么理由再担心了吧。可能在一些简单的实例里确实如此,但在大规模的复杂应用中,你必须不断留心你使用该输入来做什么。尤其是在使用eval()命令下使用用户输入时,由此开始我们今天的建议: 在使用eval()前请谨慎。 在eval()里使用用户输入值时,你有可能给为恶意使用者进入你的服务器打开了大门。即使你的接口只允许他们选择预定义的选项,调用脚本时 |
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