

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-25
  $smarty->assign(''HEADER'',''WHAT WISH DO ?'');
5  $smarty->display(''index.tpl'');


1  <?
2  require("include.php");
3  $smarty->assign(''TITLE'',''INSERT DATA'');
4  $smarty->assign(''HEADER'',''Insert Data'');
5  $smarty->assign(''data1'',''First Name'');
6  $smarty->assign(''data2'',''Last Name'');
7  $smarty->assign(''data3'',''email'');
8  $smarty->display(''insert.tpl'');

添加将在insert.tpl 使用的变量.调用模板insert.tpl .

1   <?
2   require_once(''DB/DataObject.php'');
3   require(''configDB.php'');
4   $user = DB_DataObject::factory(''user'');
5   $user->first_Name = $x;
6   $user->last_Name  = $y;
7   $user->email      = $z;
8   $user_Id = $user->insert();
9   $user->update();
10  echo "<script>location.href=''index.php''</script>";
11 ?>

This script saves data by using a PEAR::DataObject for the user table. Line 2 loads the class DataObject, and

line 3 calls configdb.php to connect to the database. Line 4 creates an instance of a user object (see User.php).

Lines 5 through 7 pass the variables collected from the form in insert.tpl ($x, $y, and $z) in order to save the

data in the database. The primary key of the table is an autoincrement column, so it doesn''t need a value there.

Line 8 inserts the object, and line 9 carries out an update.

1  <?
2   require_once(''DB/DataObject.php'');
3   require(''configDB.php'');
4   require("include.php");
5   $user = DB_DataObject::factory(''user'');
6   $user->find();
7   while ($user->fetch()) {
8      $smarty->append(''users'', array(
          ''ID''        => $user->user_Id,
          ''FIRSTNAME'' => $user->first_Name,    
          ''LASTNAME''  => $user->last_Name,    
          ''EMAIL''     => $user->email,    
9   $smarty->assign(''TITLE'',''List Users'');
10  $smarty->assign(''HEADER'',''List User'');
11  $smarty->assign(''data0'',''User_Id'');
12  $smarty->assign(''data1'',''First Name'');
13  $smarty->assign(''data2'',''Last Name'');
14  $smarty->assign(''data3'',''email'');
15  $smarty->display(''view.tpl'');
16  ?>

此脚本显示所有存储在user表中的数据.它加载PEAR::DataObject 和include.php文件(给smarty模板分配变量).
第5行创建一个user对象的工厂.第6行执行find()方法.SELECT * FROM

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