
iBATIS 3内的新特性:将iBATIS用作应用程序内的一种持久框架 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-14
turn dataSource; }    @SuppressWarnings("static-access")    private static Options createOptions() {     // snipped... no changes    }    private static SqlSessionFactory createSqlMapper() throws     IOException { DataSource datasource = createDataSource();     TransactionFactory transaction = new JdbcTransactionFactory();      Configuration configuration = new Configuration(new Environment       ("development", transaction, datasource)); configuration      .addMapper(AutomobileMapper.class);      return new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(configuration);    }    public static void main(final String[] args) {      Options options = createOptions();      try {        CommandLine cmd = new GnuParser().parse(options, args);        SqlSession session = createSqlMapper().openSession();        AutomobileMapper mapper = session.getMapper (AutomobileMapper.class);        try {          if (cmd.hasOption(CREATE)) {            System.out.println("Creating the objects in the  database...");            // Create the automobiles            mapper.insertAutomobile(new Automobile            (1, "Toyota", "Tercel", 1993));            mapper.insertAutomobile(new Automobile            (2, "Honda", "CR-V", 2000));            mapper.insertAutomobile( new Automobile(3,            "Chevrolet", "Impala", 1964));            mapper.insertAutomobile(new Automobile(4, "Dodge", "Pickup",  1946));            session.commit();          } else if (cmd.hasOption(SHOW)) { Automobile auto = mapper.selectAutomobile( Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue (SHOW)));            if (auto == null) {              System.out.println("No matching results found!");            } else {              System.out.println(auto);            }          } else if (cmd.hasOption(DELETE)) {            mapper.deleteAll();            session.commit();          } else {            System.out.println("Doing nothing.");          }        } finally {          session.close();        }      } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();      }    } }

iBATIS 3内的新特性:将iBATIS用作应用程序内的一种持久框架(9)

时间:2011-11-11 IBM Nathan A. Good

提供给 addMapper() 方法的 AutomobileMapper 是与 清单 8 中所示的相同的 Java 接口。

Configuration 对象还需要 DataSource 实现。在本例中,DataSource 实现是在静态 createDataSource() 方法中轻松创建的。不过,在生产应用程序中,应该对之进行修改以使数据源信息 — 比如数据库名 —

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