用Kerberos为J2ME应用程序上锁,第2部分 - 生成一个Kerberos票据请求 - 编程入门网
作者 佚名技术
来源 NET编程
发布时间 2012-06-15
cific, 4, getSequenceBytes( concatenateBytes( kdc_options, concatenateBytes( cname, concatenateBytes( realm, concatenateBytes( sname, concatenateBytes( till, concatenateBytes (nonce, etype) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); byte ticketRequest[] = getTagAndLengthBytes( ASN1DataTypes.Application_Type, 10, getSequenceBytes( concatenateBytes( pvno, concatenateBytes (msg_type,req_body) ) ) ); return ticketRequest; } public byte[] getRandomNumber () { String userData = userName + password; byte secretKey[] = getByteArray(System.currentTimeMillis() * 6 + seed); seed = seed / 5; int userDataHash = userData.hashCode() * 5; byte numData[] = new String(String.valueOf(userDataHash)).getBytes(); byte numBytes[]= krbKey.getFinalKey(numData, secretKey); byte randomNum []= new byte[4]; int j=1; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { randomNum[i]= numBytes[i+j]; j++; } return randomNum; }//getRandomNumber //It is a helper method used to generate the random number bytes structure. public byte[] getIntegerBytes (byte[] byteContent) { byte finalBytes[]; int contentBytesCount = byteContent.length; byte lengthBytes[] = getLengthBytes(contentBytesCount ); int lengthBytesCount = lengthBytes.length; int integerBytesCount = lengthBytesCount + conte |
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