
使用Sun SPOT作为构建监视器 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-17
ike             0014.4F01.0000.30E0) of the SPOT (enclose  in double quotes).   -c,--serial <serial>The serial port (e.g. COM4) to  which the SPOT base             station is attached.   -f,--failed     The build has failed.   -h,--help      Print this usage information.   -p,--port <port>  The port address (range 32 to  255) to be used for              communicating with the SPOT.   -r,--running    The building is running   -s,--success    The building was successful. For more instructions see the Javadoc in the docs/api  directory.

从 清单 2 中可以看到,CanaryHandler 接受 4 个参数:


Running(SPOT 的 LED 中显示蓝色流光)。

Failed(SPOT 的 LED 闪烁红色)。

Successful(SPOT 的 LED 显示为不动的绿条)。

一个远程 SPOT 的地址。每个 SPOT 由一个 64 位的 IEEE 无线地址标识,该 地址以 0014.4F01 开头,后面再加上两个四位字节,从而惟一地标识 SPOT。

一个端口号,惟一地标识基站与远程 SPOT 之间的连接。


使用Sun SPOT作为构建监视器(5)

时间:2011-05-25 IBM Craig W. Caulfield

解析命令行参数后,CanaryHandler 打开与远程 SPOT 的 radiostream 连接 ,如清单 3 所示:

清单 3. CanaryHandler 中的 main() 方法

/**   * Respond to the state a continuous build process by  setting the LEDs on a   * remote SPOT accordingly. This is done by writing a  simple message to an   * output stream, on the end of which is a SPOT waiting  to read.   *   * @param args the command line arguments. See the  printUsage   * method further down for a full description of the  parameters.   */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException  {    createCommandLineParser();    StreamConnection connection = null;    DataOutputStream dos = null;    DataInputStream dis = null;    try {      CommandLine commandLine = parser.parse(options,  args);      String spotAddress = commandLine.getOptionValue ("spot");      String port = commandLine.getOptionValue("port");      String spotConnection = "radiostream://" + spotAddress  + '':'' + port;      System.setProperty("SERIAL_PORT",  commandLine.getOptionValue("serial"));      log.info("Setting address to " +  spotConnection);      connection = (StreamConnection) Connector.open (spotConnection);      dos = connection.openDataOutputStream();      dis = connection.openDataInputStream();      if (commandLine.hasOption("running")) {        log.info("Setting build state to RUN.");        dos.writeUTF("RUN");        dos.flush();        log.info("SPOT responded with: " + dis.readUTF ());      } else if (commandLine.hasOption("fail

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