
Java编程的动态性, 第4部分: 用Javassist进行类转换 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-17
System.out.println("Added timing to method " +              argv[0] + "." + argv[1]);          }        } catch (CannotCompileException ex) {          ex.printStackTrace();        } catch (NotFoundException ex) {          ex.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException ex) {          ex.printStackTrace();        }      } else {        System.out.println("Usage: JassistTiming class method- name");      }    }    private static void addTiming(CtClass clas, String mname)      throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException {      // get the method information (throws exception if method  with      // given name is not declared directly by this class,  returns      // arbitrary choice if more than one with the given name)      CtMethod mold = clas.getDeclaredMethod(mname);      // rename old method to synthetic name, then duplicate  the      // method with original name for use as interceptor      String nname = mname+"$impl";      mold.setName(nname);      CtMethod mnew = CtNewMethod.copy(mold, mname, clas,  null);      // start the body text generation by saving the start  time      // to a local variable, then call the timed method; the      // actual code generated needs to depend on whether the      // timed method returns a value      String type = mold.getReturnType().getName();      StringBuffer body = new StringBuffer();      body.append("{\nlong start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n");      if (!"void".equals(type)) {        body.append(type + " result = ");      }      body.append(nname + "($);\n");      // finish body text generation with call to print the  timing      // information, and return saved value (if not void)      body.append("System.out.println(\"Call to method " + mname +        " took \" +\n (System.currentTimeMillis()-start) + " +        "\" ms.\");\n");      if (!"void".equals(type)) {        body.append("return result;\n");      }      body.append("}");      // replace the body of the interceptor method with  generated      // code block and add it to class      mnew.setBody(body.toString());      clas.addMethod(mnew);      // print the generated code block just to show what was  done      System.out.println("Interceptor method body:");      System.out.println(body.toString());    } }

Java编程的动态性, 第4部分: 用Javassist进行类转换(4)

时间:2011-04-09 IBM Dennis M. Sosnoski


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