
EJB的最佳实践:工业强度的JNDI优化 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-18
ax.ejb.EJBHome; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; public class EJBHomeFactory { private static EJBHomeFactory; private Map homeInterfaces; private Context context; // This is private, and can´t be instantiated directly private EJBHomeFactory() throws NamingException { homeInterfaces = new HashMap(); // Get the context for caching purposes context = new InitialContext(); /** * In non-J2EE applications, you might need to load up * a properties file and get this context manually. I´ve * kept this simple for demonstration purposes. */ } public static EJBHomeFactory getInstance() throws NamingException { // Not completely thread-safe, but good enough // (see note in article) if (instance == null) { instance = new EJBHomeFactory(); } return instance; } public EJBHome lookup(String jndiName, Class homeInterfaceClass) throws NamingException { // See if we already have this interface cached EJBHome homeInterface = (EJBHome)homeInterfaces.get(homeClass); // If not, look up with the supplied JNDI name if (homeInterface == null) { Object obj = context.lookup(jndiName); homeInterface = (EJBHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, homeInterfaceClass); // If this is a new ref, save for caching purposes homeInterfaces.put(homeInterfaceClass, homeInterface); } return homeInterface; } }



EJBHomeFactory 类内幕

home 接口工厂的关键在 homeInterfaces 映射中。该映射存储了供使用的每个 bean 的 home 接口;这样,home 接口实例可以反复使用。您还应注意,映射中的关键并不是传递到 lookup() 方法的 JNDI 名称。将同一 home 接口绑定到不同 JNDI 名称是很常见的,但这样做会在您的映射中产生副本。通过依靠类本身,您就可以确保最终不会为同一个 bean 创建多个 home 接口。

将新的 home 接口工厂类插入清单 1 的原始代码,这样将会产生优化的 EJB 查找,如清单 4 所示:

清单 4. 改进的 EJB 查找

public boolean buyItems(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, String storeName, List items) { EJBHomeFactory f = EJBHomeFactory.getInstance(); PurchaseHome purchaseHome = (PurchaseHome)f.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/PurchaseHome", PurchaseHome.class); Purchase purchase = purchaseHome.create(paymentInfo); // Work on the bean for (Iterator i = items.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { purchase.addItem((Item)i.next()); } InventoryHome inventoryHome = (InventoryHome)f.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/InventoryHome", InventoryHome.class); Inventory inventory = inventoryHome.findByStoreName(storeName); // Work on the bean for (Iterator i = items.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { inventory.markAsSold((Item)i.next()); } // Do some other stuff }

随着时间的推进,除了更清晰之外(至少按我的观点),以上工厂优化的 EJB 查找将执行得更快。您第一次使用这个新类时,将花费所有正常查找开销(假定应用程序的其它部分没有付出过这种开销),但将来的所有 JNDI 查找都将继续使用原先的查找结果。还有必要指出,home 接口工厂不会干扰您容器的bean 管理。容器管理的是 bean 实例,而不是这些 bean 实例的 home 接口。您的容器还

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