
java嶄參windows鹿撹圭塀銭俊SQL Server - 園殻秘壇利

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-20

java嶄參windows鹿撹圭塀銭俊SQL Server

扮寂:2011-01-19 BlogJava 剱埖

書爺嗤繁諒軟?泌採參windows鹿撹圭塀銭俊SQL Server,宸倖參念寔短編狛。


/*   * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates   * and open the template in the editor.   */ package testsqlconn; import java.sql.*; import com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.*; /** *//**   *   * @author: Administrator:downmoon(3w@live.cn)   * @date:2009-9-23 18:42:32   * @Encoding:UTF-8   * @File:TestSqlbyDS/TestSqlbyDS.java   * @Package:testsqlconn   */ public class TestSqlbyDS {      public TestSqlbyDS(){}      public void GetResutls()      {       // Declare the JDBC objects.          Connection con = null;          CallableStatement cstmt = null;          ResultSet rs = null;          try {              // Establish the connection.              SQLServerDataSource ds = new SQLServerDataSource();              ds.setIntegratedSecurity(true);              ds.setServerName("ap4\\agronet08");//方象垂糞箭兆              ds.setPortNumber(1433);              ds.setDatabaseName("AdventureWorksLT2008");//Database Name              con = ds.getConnection();              // Execute a SQL that returns some data.              //cstmt = con.prepareCall("{call dbo.uspGetEmployeeManagers(?)}");              //cstmt.setInt(1,50);              cstmt = con.prepareCall(" select top 10 * from [SalesLT].[Product] ");//Sql              rs = cstmt.executeQuery();              // Iterate through the data in the result set and display it.              while (rs.next()) {                  System.out.println("Product: " + rs.getString("Name") + ", " + rs.getString("ProductNumber"));                  System.out.println("ListPrice: " + rs.getString("ListPrice"));                  System.out.println();              }          } // Handle any errors that may have occurred.          catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();          } finally {              if (rs != null) {                  try {                      rs.close();                  } catch (Exception e) {                  }              }              if (cstmt != null) {                  try {                      cstmt.close();                  } catch (Exception e) {                  }     

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