
hibernate 3.3采用新的缓存方法 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-20

hibernate 3.3采用新的缓存方法

时间:2011-01-19 javaeye xly_971223

今天查看hibernate cache接口时 svn了hibernate3.3的源码

打开CacheProvider类一看 居然给 @deprecated



只能按照实体配置 不能针对某条查询语句设置

3.3的提供了两个接口 Region  RegionFactory 来代替 3.2中的Cache CacheProvider

看看RegionFactory 的实现吧



buildCollectionRegion 对集合的缓存 猜测是对一对多的集合进行配置的吧 buildQueryResultsRegion 查询缓存 自定义的查询 也可以有自己的region了 buildTimestampsRegion  给缓存设置过期时间吧

英文不好 猜测的 英文好的可以翻译一下

在gg上搜索了一下hibernate RegionFactory 关键字 居然没搜索到



public interface RegionFactory {   public void start(Settings settings, Properties properties) throws CacheException;   public void stop();   public boolean isMinimalPutsEnabledByDefault();   public long nextTimestamp();   public EntityRegion buildEntityRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata) throws CacheException;   public CollectionRegion buildCollectionRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata) throws CacheException;   public QueryResultsRegion buildQueryResultsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties) throws CacheException;   public TimestampsRegion buildTimestampsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties) throws CacheException; }

附上hibernate3.3 cache包里的说明


This package defines APIs/SPIs and implementations for the Hibernate second-level cache.

The legacy (and now deprecated) approach to caching is defined by the {@link org.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider} and {@link org.hibernate.cache.Cache} interfaces as well as the {@link org.hibernate.cache.CacheConcurrencyStrategy} interface along with the various implementations of all these interfaces. In that scheme, a {@link org.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider} defined how to configure and perform lifecycle operations in regards to a particular underlying caching library; it also defined how to build {@link org.hibernate.cache.Cache} instances which in turn defined how to access the "regions" of the underlying cache instance. For entity and collection data cache regions, {@link org.hibernate.cache.CacheConcurrencyStrategy} wrapped access to those cache regions to apply transactional/concurrent access semantics.

The improved approach is based on {@link org.hibernate.cache.RegionFactory}, the various {@link org.hibernate.cache.Region} specializations and the two access strategies contracts ({@link org.hibernate.cache.access.EntityRegionAccessStrategy} and {@link org.hibernate.cache.access.CollectionRegionAccessStrategy}). The general approach here is that {@link org.hibernate.cache.RegionFactory} defined how to configure and perform lifecycle operations in regards to a particular underlying caching library (or

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