
購噐weblogic嶄聞喘prepared statement cache朔荷恬DDL議諒籾 - 園殻秘壇利

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-21
    String val = rs.getString(1); 30                         System.out.println(val); 31                     } 32                     rs.close(); 33                     Thread.currentThread().sleep(5000); 34                 }catch(java.sql.SQLException se) 35                 { 36                     //Thread.currentThread().sleep(10000); 37                     se.printStackTrace(); 38                     System.out.println("get exception, remake prepared statement in loop: " + loop); 39                     /* 40                      * if we just remake a prepared statement, SQLException will be thrown still, to 41                      * slove such issue, we have to remake a physical connection. To do the test, we 42                      * can comment the next line at first to see what will happen and then we activate 43                      * it, to see what will happen this time.  44                      */ 45                     //conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "system", "coffee"); 46                     pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select * from Test"); 47                     continue; 48                 } 49             } 50             pstmt.close(); 51             conn.close(); 52              53         }catch(Exception e) 54         { 55             try 56             { 57                 //Thread.currentThread().sleep(10000); 58                 System.out.println("catch exception in main()"); 59                 e.printStackTrace(); 60             }catch(Exception e1) 61             { 62                 e1.printStackTrace(); 63             } 64         } 65     } 66 } 67

关于weblogic中使用prepared statement cache后操作DDL的问题(2)

时间:2011-01-11 BlogJava 走走停停又三年

如代码中的注释说的一样,单纯的重建prepared statement是没用的,需要重建physical connection. 这个代码中connection没有通过weblogic, 直接从driver manager拿connection, 问题一样能够复现,跟weblogic没关系了吧。

好了,知道为什么了,但怎么办呢? physical connection是weblogic在connection pool中维护的,我们怎么去控制它们啊?看文档, weblogic的jdbc programming提到了具体的操作方法,链接如下:


1      java.sql.Connection vendorConn =        ((WLConnecti

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