Java 1.5新特性Enum的用法 - 编程入门网
Java 1.5新特性Enum的用法时间:2011-01-02 craboyEnum是enumeration(列举)的简写形式,包含在java.lang包中.熟悉C,C++,C#,或Pascal人应该对列举有所了解,先看个例子: public enum Season { winter, spring, summer, fall } 一个enum是定义一组值的对象,它可以包括零个或多个值成员.它是属于enum类型的,一个enum对象中不可有两个或多个相同的属性或值.在次之前的java程序员一般是用接口的方法实现列举的,如: public interface Season { static winter = 0; static spring = 1; //etc…… } 引入了enum的java的列举的编写方便了许多,只须定义一个enum型的对象.enum对象的值都回自动获得一个数字值,从0开始,依次递增.看一个比较简单的enum实现的例子: package net.javagarage.enums; /* We can loop over the values we put into the enum using the values() method. Note that the enum Seasons is compiled into a separate unit, called EnumDemo$Seasons.class */ public class EnumDemo { /*declare the enum and add values to it. note that, like in C#, we don''t use a ; to end this statement and we use commas to separate the values */ private enum Seasons { winter, spring, summer, fall } //list the values public static void main(String[] args) { for (Seasons s : Seasons.values()){ System.out.println(s); } } } 运行上述代码你回得到以下结果: winter spring summer fall Java 1.5新特性Enum的用法(2)时间:2011-01-02 craboyEnum的属性调用: 下面的代码展示了调用enum对象的方法,这也是它通常的用法: package net.javagarage.enums;/*File: EnumSwitch.javaPurpose: show how to switch against the values in an enum.*/public class EnumSwitch {private enum Color { red, blue, green }//list the valuespublic static void main(String[] args) {//refer to the qualified valuedoIt(;}/*note that you switch against the UNQUALIFIED name. that is, "case" is acompiler error */private static void doIt(Color c){switch (c) {case red: System.out.println("value is " +;break;case green: System.out.println("value is " +;break;case blue: System.out.println("value is : " +;break;default : System.out.println("default");}}} 为enums添加属性和方法 enums也可以象一般的类一样添加方法和属性,你可以为它添加静态和非静态的属性或方法,这一切都象你在一般的类中做的那样. package net.javagarage.enums;/*File: EnumDemo.javaPurpose: show how to use an enum that also defines its own fields and methods*/public class EnumWithMethods {//declare the enum and add values to it.public enum Season {winter, spring, summer, fall;private final static String location = "Phoenix";public static Season getBest(){if (location.equals("Phoenix"))return winter;elsereturn summer;}public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println(Season.getBest());}} 就是这么的简单.但是有一点是需要注意的,那就是enums的值列表必须紧跟在enum声明,不然编译时将会出错. Java 1.5新特性Enum的用法(3)时间:2011-01-02 craboyEnums构造函数: 和类 |
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