
用Eclipse Europa进行Web开发,第3部分 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-23
reate public/images create  public/javascripts create public/stylesheets create  script/performance create script/process create  test/fixtures create test/functional create  test/integration create test/mocks/development create  test/mocks/test create test/unit create vendor create  vendor/plug-ins create tmp/sessions create  tmp/sockets create tmp/cache create tmp/pids create  Rakefile create README create  app/controllers/application.rb create  app/helpers/application_helper.rb create  test/test_helper.rb create config/database.yml create  config/routes.rb create public/.htaccess create  config/boot.rb create config/environment.rb create  config/environments/production.rb create  config/environments/development.rb create  config/environments/test.rb create script/about create  script/breakpointer create script/console create  script/destroy create script/generate create  script/performance/benchmarker create  script/performance/profiler create script/process/reaper create  script/process/spawner create script/process/inspector create  script/runner create script/server create script/plug- in create public/dispatch.rb create  public/dispatch.cgi create public/dispatch.fcgi create  public/404.html create public/500.html create  public/index.html create public/favicon.ico create  public/robots.txt create public/images/rails.png create  public/javascripts/prototype.js create  public/javascripts/effects.js create  public/javascripts/dragdrop.js create  public/javascripts/controls.js create  public/javascripts/application.js create  doc/README_FOR_APP create log/server.log create  log/production.log create log/development.log create  log/test.log

对于所有 Rails 开发人员来说,这段内容看起来应当 极为熟悉。它是运行 rails <app name> 即本例中的 rails baseball 得 到的输出。这是 RadRails 的常见主题。它只是利用了 Rails 内置的大量机制 ,但是简化了这些机制的使用。如果查看 Ruby Explorer(RadRails 所利用的 RDT 部分),则应当会看到 Rails 为您生成的所有代码。

图 20. 显示新 Rails 项目的 Ruby Explorer

您应该十分熟悉显示的项目结构,并且这很重要。RadRails 不是一种创建 Rails 应用程序的新方法。它只是提供了访问 Rails 常见机制的捷径。如果不 使用 RadRails,应用程序开发过程的下一步将是为数据库配置应用程序。 RadRails 也不例外。我们接下来就将进行配置。

用Eclipse Europa进行Web开发,第3部分(8)

时间:2010-11-29 IBM Michael Galpin


配置 Rails 应用程序总是十分简单,并且 RadRails 也不例外。只需打开 config/database.yml 文件并编辑它,如下所示:

清单 2. 编辑 config/database.yml

# MySQL (default  setup). Versions 4.1 and 5.0 are recommended. # # Install the MySQL driver: #  gem install mysql # On MacOS X: #  gem install mysql -- --include=/usr/local/lib # On Windows: #  gem install mysql #    Choose the win32 build. #    Install MySQL and put its /bin directory on your  path. # # And be sure to use new-style password hashing: #  http

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