JDK5新特性之新的格式化输出 - 编程入门网
SystemOut <format string>");
System.exit(0); } String format = args[0]; System.out.format("Pi is approximately " + format + ", and e is approximately " + format, Math.PI, Math.E); } } //控制台调用 java format/UsingSystemOut %.2f%n //输出 Pi is approximately 3.14 , and e is about 2.72 对时间的格式化用字母t来代表,通常在t后面加上特殊的字符来显示时间的某个部分: tr hour and minute, tA the day of the week tB the name of the month te the number of the day of the month tY the year //eg. package format; import java.util.Calendar; public class FormattingDates { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.printf("Right now it is %tr on " + "%<tA, %<tB %<te, %<tY.%n", Calendar.getInstance()); } } //说明:“<”指示采用的参数为前一个被格式化的参数 //输出 Right now it is 01:55:19 PM on Wednesday, September 22, 2004. |
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