模拟垃圾回收站 - 编程入门网
作者 佚名技术
来源 NET编程
发布时间 2012-06-25
模拟垃圾回收站时间:2007-05-29 yycnet.yeah.net yyc译 这个问题的本质是若将垃圾丢进单个垃圾筒,事实上是未经分类的。但在以后,某些特殊的信息必须恢复,以便对垃圾正确地归类。在最开始的解决方案中,RTTI扮演了关键的角色(详见第11章)。这并不是一种普通的设计,因为它增加了一个新的限制。正是这个限制使问题变得非常有趣——它更象我们在工作中碰到的那些非常麻烦的问题。这个额外的限制是:垃圾抵达垃圾回收站时,它们全都是混合在一起的。程序必须为那些垃圾的分类定出一个模型。这正是RTTI发挥作用的地方:我们有大量不知名的垃圾,程序将正确判断出它们所属的类型。//: RecycleA.java // Recycling with RTTI package c16.recyclea; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; abstract class Trash { private double weight; Trash(double wt) { weight = wt; } abstract double value(); double weight() { return weight; } // Sums the value of Trash in a bin: static void sumValue(Vector bin) { Enumeration e = bin.elements(); double val = 0.0f; while(e.hasMoreElements()) { // One kind of RTTI: // A dynamically-checked cast Trash t = (Trash)e.nextElement(); // Polymorphism in action: val += t.weight() * t.value(); System.out.println( "weight of " + // Using RTTI to get type // information about the class: t.getClass().getName() + " = " + t.weight()); } System.out.println("Total value = " + val); } } class Aluminum extends Trash { static double val = 1.67f; Aluminum(double wt) { super(wt); } double value() { return val; } static void value(double newval) { val = newval; } } class Paper extends Trash { static double val = 0.10f; Paper(double wt) { super(wt); } double value() { return val; } static void value(double newval) { val = newval; } } class Glass extends Trash { static double val = 0.23f; Glass(double wt) { super(wt); } double value() { return val; } static void value(double newval) { val = newval; } } public class RecycleA { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector bin = new Vector(); // Fill up the Trash bin: for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) switch((int)(Math.random() * 3)) { case 0 : bin.addElement(new Aluminum(Math.random() * 100)); break; case 1 : bin.addElement(new Paper(Math.random() * 100)); break; case 2 : bin.addElement(new Glass(Math.random() * 100)); } Vector glassBin = new Vector(), paperBin = new Vector(), alBin = new Vector(); Enumeration sorter = bin.elements(); // Sort the Trash: while(sorter.hasMoreElements()) { Object t = sorter.nextElement(); // RTTI to show class membership: if(t instanceof Aluminum) alBin.addElement(t); if(t instanceof Paper) paperBin.addElement(t); if(t instanceof Glass) glassBin.addElement(t); } Trash.sumValue(alB |
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