java违例的限制 - 编程入门网
作者 佚名技术
来源 NET编程
发布时间 2012-06-26
java违例的限制时间:2007-05-28 yyc译 覆盖一个方法时,只能产生已在方法的基础类版本中定义的违例。这是一个重要的限制,因为它意味着与基础类协同工作的代码也会自动应用于从基础类衍生的任何对象(当然,这属于基本的OOP概念),其中包括违例。下面这个例子演示了强加在违例身上的限制类型(在编译期):在Inning中,可以看到无论构建器还是event()方法都指出自己会“掷”出一个违例,但它们实际上没有那样做。这是合法的,因为它允许我们强迫用户捕获可能在覆盖过的event()版本里添加的任何违例。同样的道理也适用于abstract方法,就象在atBat()里展示的那样。“interface Storm”非常有趣,因为它包含了在Incoming中定义的一个方法——event(),以及不是在其中定义的一个方法。这两个方法都会“掷”出一个新的违例类型:RainedOut。当执行到“StormyInning extends”和“implements Stor//: // Overridden methods may throw only the // exceptions specified in their base-class // versions, or exceptions derived from the // base-class exceptions. class BaseballException extends Exception {} class Foul extends BaseballException {} class Strike extends BaseballException {} abstract class Inning { Inning() throws BaseballException {} void event () throws BaseballException { // Doesn''t actually have to throw anything } abstract void atBat() throws Strike, Foul; void walk() {} // Throws nothing } class StormException extends Exception {} class RainedOut extends StormException {} class PopFoul extends Foul {} interface Storm { void event() throws RainedOut; void rainHard() throws RainedOut; } public class StormyInning extends Inning implements Storm { // OK to add new exceptions for constructors, // but you must deal with the base constructor // exceptions: StormyInning() throws RainedOut, BaseballException {} StormyInning(String s) throws Foul, BaseballException {} // Regular methods must conform to base class: //! void walk() throws PopFoul {} //Compile error // Interface CANNOT add exceptions to existing // methods from the base class: //! public void event() throws RainedOut {} // If the method doesn''t already exist in the // base class, the exception is OK: public void rainHard() throws RainedOut {} // You can choose to not throw any exceptions, // even if base version does: public void event() {} // Overridden methods can throw // inherited exceptions: void atBat() throws PopFoul {} public static void main(String[] args) { try { StormyInning si = new StormyInning(); si.atBat(); } catch(PopFoul e) { } catch(RainedOut e) { } catch(BaseballException e) {} // Strike not thrown in derived version. try { // What happens if you upcast? Inning i = new StormyInning(); i.atBat(); // You must catch the exceptions from the // base-class version of the method: } catch(Strike e) { } catch(Foul e) { } catch(RainedOut e) { } catch(BaseballException e) {} } } ///:~ |
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