

作者 佚名技术 来源 程序设计 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-30



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>

// Function to be integrated
// Define and prototype it here
// | sin(x) |
#define INTEG_FUNC(x) fabs(sin(x))

// Prototype timing function
double dclock(void);

int main(void)
// Loop counters and number of interior points
unsigned int i, j, N;
// Stepsize, independent variable x, and accumulated sum
double step, x_i, sum;
// Timing variables for evaluation
double start, finish, duration, clock_t;
// Start integral from
double interval_begin = 0.0;
// Complete integral at
double interval_end = 2.0 * 3.141592653589793238;

// Start timing for the entire application
start = clock();

printf(" \n");
printf(" Number of | Computed Integral | \n");
printf(" Interior Points | | \n");
for (j=2;j<27;j++)
printf("------------------------------------- \n");

// Compute the number of (internal rectangles + 1)
N = 1 << j;

// Compute stepsize for N-1 internal rectangles
step = (interval_end - interval_begin) / N;

// Approx. 1/2 area in first rectangle: f(x0) * [step/2]
sum = INTEG_FUNC(interval_begin) * step / 2.0;

// Apply midpoint rule:
// Given length = f(x), compute the area of the
// rectangle of width step
// Sum areas of internal rectangle: f(xi + step) * step

for (i=1;i<N;i++)
x_i = i * step;
sum += INTEG_FUNC(x_i) * step;

// Approx. 1/2 area in last rectangle: f(xN) * [step/2]
sum += INTEG_FUNC(interval_end) * step / 2.0;

printf(" %10d | %14e | \n", N, sum);
finish = clock();
duration = (finish - start);
printf(" \n");
printf(" Application Clocks = %10e \n", duration);
printf(" \n");

return 0;

当然,这个代码来自于intel,当然非常适合intel的编译器。以下的测试在Intel Core 2 Duo上进行。

gcc (GCC TDM-2 for MinGW) 4.3.0 VC 9.0 (cl 15.00.21022.08) Intel (icl 10.1) PGI (pgcc 7.16) CodeGear (bcc32 6.10)


-O0 /Od -Od -O0 -Od

17161 14461 12441 10514 13400

17133 14430 11687 9956 12917

17155 14476 11871 10099 13026

编译选项 -O2

13011 7737 4540 9348 12636

16571 7706 4185 9148 13026

16573 7706 4042 9183 13057


-march=core2 -O2 /arch:SSE2 /O2 -QxT -tp core2 -O2 无

16060 7710 1938 9578

测试的结果说明,在数值计算方法,intel的编译器是非常利害的,特别是针对某CPU的优化,能提高很多性能。GCC表现却有些让人失望。在禁止优化到-O2级优化的对比中,可以看出intel与m$的编译器的优化效果是非常明显的,而其它编译器优化后的提高非常有限。如果给个排名,那么将是 icl>cl>pgcc>bcc>gcc.

另外,在一台P4 1.5G的机器,linux环境下,测试得到

gcc icc pgCC

-O2 -O2 -O2


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